Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Chemtrails - Real or Imagined

Since approximately 1998, thousands of people started noticing airplanes spraying X’s, parallel lines, and grid patterns across our skies. These trails initiall
y look like contrails but actually aren’t.
According to the U.S. Air Force, contrails are condensation trails and happen when hot engine exhaust momentarily condenses ice crystals into pencil-thin vapor trails that quickly vanish like the wave behind a boat, very much like your breath when talking outside on a cold winter day. Chemtrails, on the other hand, linger for hours and will spread out to form large areas of “cloud” cover.

There are several theories as to why these operations may be occurring. However, most of the documentation available points to geo-engineering and space weaponry as the reasons that these spray operations are occurring. A concept that keeps popping up in major governmental studies is the idea of spraying aluminum oxide particles into the atmosphere to create a sunscreen.

This concept is exactly what respected scientist Edward Teller, the father of the H-Bomb, called for in 1997 while at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. In a government sponsored report called Global Warming and Ice Ages, he suggested the scattering of 1 million tons of materials into the atmosphere in order to reflect 1% of incoming sunlight. He states that it would be cheaper to slow global warming through "stratospheric deployment of oxide particulates" than to actually slow down
greenhouse gases connected with fossil-fired energy production.

The sunscreen concept is also called for in a major congressional study titled Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming, which was sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. This huge study was reported in 1992 and is the textbook on greenhouse gasses, global warming, policy decisions and mitigations. In this study, they talk about spraying the atmosphere with “stratospheric dust or soot” and to “simulate clouds” in order to mitigate global warming. The study also suggested dumping iron into the ocean to stimulate plankton that could potentially eat carbon dioxide. By looking at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories’ recent dumping of iron in the ocean to do just that, you can see that these are not just theories. They are theories in actual use. But the iron theory backfired when a large amount of fish died. So what are the unreported consequences of spraying the atmosphere?

Ken Caldera, also from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, is a concerned scientist who said that this type of spray operation could have grave environmental consequences and could cause serious health concerns. But it seems they cared nothing about Mr. Caldera’s concerns.

Our children are now even being taught this aerial obscuration concept in our schools. In the level one science book, "Essential Interactions" by Centre Point Learning, Inc., a photo of a jet is titled "Particle Air" and has the caption "Jet engines running on richer fuel would add particles to the atmosphere to create a sunscreen". This is in the section titled "Solutions for Global Warming". In the same section they also show a picture of a helicopter dumping iron into the ocean as a way to mitigate global warming, as we mentioned earlier. Again, CNN actually reported the iron theory being carried out. These are not just “theories”.

Not only do the governmental studies support this sunscreen theory but there are also actual patents that have been issued for devices to carry these operations out. One important patent is the 1994 Welsbach patent issued to the Hughes Aircraft Co. It is for atmospheric spraying with aluminum oxide to reduce global warming by “seeding” and reflecting 1% of incoming sunrays. It so happens that aluminum consistently turns up in chemtrail related lab test results.

Another patent worth mentioning is the 1975 US Navy patent which is for a “contrail generation apparatus for producing powder contrails. In the summary section it clearly states “the term 'contrail' was adopted for convenience in identifying the visible powder trail". It appears they are still using the word “contrail” for convenience. The people carrying out these types of operations will never use the word “chemtrails”. They use terms such as aerial obscuration, persistent contrails, or sky soot.

But Dennis Kucinich did use the word “chemtrails” in the Space Preservation Act of 2001 in which he tried to ban chemtrails and other space-based weapons. He wrote the bill, also called H.R. 2977, while he was the head of the U.S. Arms Oversight Committee. The bill calls for a ban on space-based weapons and a ban on the types of operations that we’re seeing happen now. In section 7 of the bill, “chemtrails” is considered an exotic weapon.

Space-based weaponry is another likely reason that these operations are occurring. As is stated in the Air Force study Owning the Weather in 2025, it is a major advantage to modify the weather and cause rain or drought for the enemy. Their report states that the spraying of certain chemicals in the skies assists to jam radar and tele-communications systems. They go on to say that these activities could have tremendous potential in times of military aggression and are proud of the fact that these tactics could also have enormous psychological potential, which would be just as beneficial as causing drought or constant rain. The study even goes on to say that “one major advantage of using simulated weather to achieve a desired effect is that unlike other approaches, it makes what are otherwise the results of deliberate actions appear to be the consequences of natural weather phenomena”.

These operations are also advantageous to the HAARP, which stands for ‘High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program’. HAARP is a highly funded research project in Alaska focusing on altering and manipulating the atmosphere for weather and military dominance. The US has a long history of spraying chemicals on innocent people in this country. The Freedom of Information Act has allowed us to access information about these experiments, including the spraying of biological agents over San Francisco in 1950 to see who got sick. This is just one example of many. Just recently in 2001, Captain Reily stood against the military’s open air germ testing. There are many more examples in the history of aerial spray operations that you can read about on the website

In 1997 and again in 2000, U.S. Title 50, Section 32 was actually revised to allow for exceptions in conducting experiments on unwitting citizens.

Test results from Chemtrials have returned positive for aluminum, barium, bacteria, virus, human blood, and molds. These chemicals are being sprayed in our skies. It's in our air we breathe at levels that are deemed unsafe.

According to the American Lung Association, asthma is on the rise among all people in the United States and is the leading serious chronic illness among children. It is very likely that there is not just one single reason for the Chemtrails, but instead, there may be multiple goals to this operation. Without public pressure, it is not likely that they will ever tell us the reasons as to why they are spraying us.

Unfortunately, the goals of this activity aren’t known with absolute certainty because when high level officials are asked about these spray operations, they say that
what we are seeing is “normal”. When concerned pilots and Air Force personnel ask their superiors questions relating to these operations, their concerns are met with replies like “this information is on a need-to-know basis” or they are given special misinformation to make them think they are doing this for the good of the people. They are also told that speaking out on this issue will violate national security and that they will be held accountable.

These operations cause us to have great concerns. We do not like being part of a secret spray operation without our consent. We are very worried about the health implications of spraying chemicals that are on the OSHA hazardous list. And the fine talcum powder-sized particles they call for to be sprayed are very harmful to our health according to the American Medical Association.

There is no reason to think that this will stop without public pressure. All across the country, people are noticing that something is being sprayed from planes and it is making people sick! It is time for us to pay attention and speak out! Please visit the information within this site and the many other sites that are available.
Educate yourself and tell others.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Various Home Remedies

Who knew? 
Did you know that drinking two glasses of Gatorade can relieve headache pain almost immediately-without the unpleasant side effects caused by traditional pain relievers? 

Did you know that Colgate Toothpaste makes an excellent salve for burns? 

Before you head to the drugstore for a high-priced inhaler filled with mysterious chemicals, try chewing on a couple of curiously strong Altoids peppermints. They'll clear up your stuffed nose.

Achy muscles from a bout of the flu? Mix 1 tablespoon horseradish in 1 cup of olive oil. Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes, then apply it as a massage oil for instant relief for aching muscles.

Sore throat? Just mix 1/4 cup of vinegar with 1/4 cup of honey and take 1 tablespoon six times a day. The vinegar kills the bacteria.

Cure urinary tract infections with Alka-Seltzer. Just dissolve two tablets in a glass of water and drink it at the onset of the symptoms. Alka-Seltzer begins eliminating urinary tract infections almost instantly-even though the product was never advertised for this use.

Honey remedy for skin blemishes... cover the blemish with a dab of honey and place a Band-Aid over it. Honey kills the bacteria, keeps the skin sterile, and speeds healing. Works overnight.

Listerine therapy for toenail fungus: Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus by soaking your toes in Listerine Mouthwash. The powerful antiseptic leaves your toenails looking healthy again.
WARDS OFF MOSQUITO’S TOO!! DOUSE A SOFT CLOTH AND APPLY TO SURROUNDING WINDOW/DOOR FRAMES! Going outdoors? Spray your exposed skin with Listerine. Works for up to 2 hrs safer than DEET

Easy eyeglass protection... to prevent the screws in eyeglasses from loosening, apply a small drop of Maybelline Crystal Clear Nail Polish to the threads of the screws before tightening them.

Cleaning liquid that doubles as bug killer... if menacing bees, wasps, hornets, or yellow jackets get in your home and you can't find the insecticide, try a spray of Formula 409. Insects drop to the ground instantly.

Smart splinter remover: Just pour a drop of Elmer's Glue-All over the splinter, let dry, and peel the dried glue off the skin. The splinter sticks to the dried glue.

Hunt's Tomato Paste boil cure... cover the boil with Hunt's Tomato Paste as a compress. The acids from the tomatoes soothe the pain and bring the boil to a head.

Balm for broken blisters... to disinfect a broken blister, dab on a few drops of Listerine, a powerful antiseptic.
Vinegar to heal bruises... soak a cotton ball in white vinegar and apply it to the bruise for 1 hour. The vinegar reduces the blueness and speeds up the healing process.

Quaker Oats for fast pain relief... it's not for breakfast any more! Mix 2 cups of Quaker Oats and 1 cup of water in a bowl and warm in the microwave for 1 minute, cool slightly, and apply the mixture to your hands for soothing relief from arthritis pain.

If you send this to one person who doesn't know about this, then it was worth it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

10 Uses For Apple Cider Vinegar

You may not think of apple cider vinegar as something that is a boon to your overall health, but it can be, and here are 10 ways you can use it to help pave the way to a better you.

1. Balance your inner ecosystem: The body constantly strives to achieve a state of homeostasis, or a state of equilibrium. One way is by keeping the body's pH balance (or acid-base balance) within the normal range of 7.35 - 7.45. Apple cider vinegar helps the body maintain a healthy alkaline pH level. Research shows that higher acid levels (lower pH level) leads to a lack of energy, excessive production of mucous and higher incidences of infection, among other things.

2. Detoxes the body: As part of balancing the body's pH, apple cider vinegar is useful in overall detoxification of the body. Research shows that it can help stimulate cardiovascular circulation and help detoxify the liver. It also helps break up mucous throughout the body and helps cleanse the lymph nodes.

3. Weight loss: Tired of the "fad" diets that do more damage to your wallet than your excess fat cells? Try boosting your intake of apple cider vinegar. Data shows some limited, albeit significant, weight loss benefits from sustained daily intake of acetic acid (which is prevalent in apple cider vinegar). In one study published in Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry in 2009, it was found that subjects who consumed acetic acid for 12 weeks experienced significant declines in body weight, abdominal fat, waist circumference and triglycerides.

4. Cures: Allergies: Believe it or not, research suggests that apple cider vinegar can help reduce the effect of allergies on your body, mostly by reducing mucous and sinus congestion. A sign of a distressed immune system is an increase and thickening of mucous; apple cider vinegar can help reduce the build-up and congestion, thereby reducing your susceptibility to allergies.

5. Cures: Sinus infections, sore throats, headaches, flu: Reducing the effects of allergies can also reduce the frequency of sinus infections and the symptoms associated with them, such as sore throats and headaches. Boosting the immune system can also curb bouts of the flu.

6. Clears: Acne, dermatitis, warts and other skin problems: Some practitioners recommend mixing one part apple cider vinegar and three parts water. They recommend dabbing the solution on each pimple. For warts, some recommend soaking a cotton ball in an apple cider vinegar solution then place over the wart with a band-aid overnight. The skin will swell some as it reacts with the solution and may throb; it may even turn black after a few days. Once it falls off, though, continue the treatment for a few more days, to make sure the wart doesn't return, according to recommendations.

7. Lower blood pressure and cholesterol: One of the most important "healing" qualities of apple cider vinegar is its ability to lower blood pressure and triglycerides, the bad cholesterol. According to a 2001 animal study published in Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, there was some evidence that daily consumption of apple cider vinegar could help reduce both blood pressure and cholesterol. Try 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar in about eight ounces of water; if you want, add a teaspoon of honey to make it more palatable.

8. Kills candida and fungus: This vinegar is rich in natural enzymes that can help rid your body of candida - a genus of yeasts which can cause thrush in humans and is blamed for creating symptoms of fatigue, poor memory, sugar cravings, and yeast infections.

9. Eases arthritis, stiff joints and gout: Regular use of apple cider vinegar can be tied to a decrease in joint pain and gout by reducing inflammation; data suggests the malic acid in the vinegar is able to dissolve the uric acid crystals within the joint and assist in flushing them from the body.

10. Strengthens stomach acid: Though it might seem a little odd to treat stomach acid with an acid-containing vinegar, there is research suggesting that apple cider vinegar works by treating low acid and thereby reducing heartburn. Natural remedy experts say you should begin to feel relief - unless your problem is ulcers - very shortly after taking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar followed by a glass of water.

Sources for this article include:

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ten unconventional additions to your emergency medical kit

Ten unconventional additions to your emergency medical kit

Okay, I am sure you all have a medical kit to be proud of, you've got all the bandages, the slings, the ointments and creams, but sometimes, just sometimes, the most mundane items can make life simpler, especially if you need to move fast, or find yourself in a situation where you need to improvise, or, the stuff you have just isn't right for the job in hand. Here are a few ideas, and examples of what to use them for.


These are great for a good deal more than stuffing in a hole in the wall of your bank. Scraping out a sting with the edge of a plastic card is preferable to fingernails or tweezers, both of which, just by the pinching action pump the last bit of venom from the sting into the skin.

Cut into strips they are excellent splints for broken fingers, and the gaps between the strips allow for swelling. Position either side of the finger and tape into place.

Used whole they can help inflate a deflated lung caused by a sucking chest wound. Put over the hole and tape on three sides only, the card acts as a flutter valve, preventing air from entering the wound but allowing air outside of the lung but inside the chest cavity to escape as the lung inflates.


I love duct tape, it needs to be good tape, not a cheapo one that is not very sticky. Use to secure the card to the chest as described above. It can be used to hold splints on limbs in place, to secure pressure dressings,and even to make a makeshift stretcher to carry a casualty if wrapped around two poles and stuck to itself across the gap between them. There are dozens of uses for this stuff.


Clear plastic bags form a great barrier between a wound and the air, preventing pathogens from getting into the body. They are great for wounds and burns on hands and feet and are carried in ambulances for this reason. Duct tape into place and the wound will stay clean until you can deal with it. This is particularly beneficial if you are near water and you want to prevent contamination.

Use as a flutter valve on large sucking chest wounds. Fix on three sides as described for the card method above.


Sanitary pads make really good pressure dressings. Put over the wound and tape tightly down covering the whole pad with tape, extend the tape a good distance from all edges of the pad to make sure the pressure is maintained.


Tea leaves contain tannin which has anti-inflammatory and vaso-constrictor properties. To wash out an eye make as you would tea, leave to cool and lean forward so the liquid in the container reaches the eye and open and close the eye whilst in the liquid. The tea bag can be placed on the eye afterwards, to reduce any swelling and irritation.

Tannin is a vasoconstrictor, it causes blood vessels to contract and therefore slows blood loss. It would be no use at all for anything major, but for nosebleeds, traumatic tooth extractions and minor cuts and abrasions, it works well. Put just enough boiling water on the tea bag to make it swell to its maximum size and show a little liquid leaking from it, then when it has cooled sufficiently apply it to the tooth socket, cut etc. for nose bleeds roll the bag as small as you can and plug the nostril with as much of it as you can, you can cut it in half if need be and roll so as the cut edge is on the inside of the roll. There is no worry about sterility with a nose bleed.


There are times when the smells around you are almost too much to bear. Infected wounds, corpses, human waste all give off gut-wrenching odours and dabbing vapour rub under your nose helps a great deal.

I have heard occasionally that a dab under the nose of someone having an asthma attack, who does not have an inhaler with them, helps open the airways a little making breathing somewhat easier. I have no experience of this and therefore cannot vouch for it. Having said that an asthma sufferer without an inhaler will not come to any harm by trying this.


The inner tube from a bicycle tyre is very stretchy and it makes an excellent tourniquet. It is also possible to use it as a fire starter, and it will burn even when it is pouring with rain, and it burns for a long while, often long enough to dry out a little damp tinder placed very near it.


These microfibre cloths are very light weight and take up almost no space. They are excellent for drying around wounds so that dressings and tapes stick more easily. As they hold a good amount of liquid, one dunked in water and lightly squeezed out is useful for giving a casualty that cannot sit properly sips of water, they just suck on the cloth.


Cut off the top and bottom and then cut it along it's length. This gives you a sheet of strong plastic that rolls back into a tube when you let it go. These make great splints, keeping clothing etc away from a wound or helping to immobilise a broken bone. Unroll, place around the limb and gently let it go back into its tube shape. Then, very gently, close the plastic up, one edge will slide under the other with little effort. Fix in place with a piece of tape. To store, roll it up tight and secure with a rubber band. We used this method in hospitals to stop babies and toddlers ripping off their dressings, works very well.


Get an adult pair of knee high socks and force them over a large, full soda bottle to stretch them. When stretched for a couple of days, roll them down the bottle so what you end up with resembles a donut, store them in this shape so that they can be rolled onto a limb rather than forced up over it causing pain and possibly more injury. They are great for holding a leg dressing in place, and make a good sling for arm injuries. Roll onto the arm, position the arm comfortably and safety pin to the patients clothing in a couple of places, beats messing about with a triangular bandage if you are in a hurry. If they have long sleeves, position the arm and pin the sleeve to the body of their clothing.

Well there you have it, a few coventional items with a few unconventional uses.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Homemade Calendula Salve

Homemade Calendula Salve

2 Cups Calendula Petals (not the entire flower “heads”)

1 Cup Hemp or Olive Oil

1/4 Cup Beeswax Pastilles/Pellets

10 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
Pour calendula petals into a stainless steel pot, and add oil. Turn on low heat, and stir to combine. Watch for tiny bubbles in the oil to gauge the temperature- it should not get any warmer than the “tiny bubbles stage!” 

Continue stirring occasionally over the next 2 hours, keeping the oil gently warm.Meanwhile, begin gently melting the beeswax in the top of a double boiler (don’t let this get too hot; you’ll want it to be a similar temperature as the oil, when you combine the two).

After 2 hours, strain the petals from the oil. (You can use a fine-meshed strainer, tea filters, or cheesecloth.) Squeeze/press out as much of the oil as you can into a bowl. Then slowly pour the oil into the melted beeswax in the double boiler, stirring to combine. Then stir in the drops of lavender essential oil. (The oil acts as a “preservative,” as well as being a healing and calming ingredient.)

Pour the warm oil into small jars/containers, and allow to cool. Avoid using clear glass, if possible. 

Choose containers (such as white plastic cosmetic containers or amber/cobalt-colored glass jars) that will help protect the salve from sunlight. (I repurpose containers from purchased shea or cocoa butters.) 

Store in a cool place.

Optimum Water Drinking Times

General Gardening Times

When to plant and harvest on a general basis....

Accupressure Points for the Hand

Dandelions Are Not Weeds - Health Benefits

1) Cancer: Dandelion root extract is unique, and is one of the only things found to help with chronic myelomonocytic Leukemia and It is effective in treating Breast Tumors

2) Detoxification of vital organs: Because of the diuretic abilities of dandelion root, it is beneficial for flushing out the Liver, Kidneys and Gallbladder. Ä°t works great to purify the blood and cleanse the system. This also makes it a good herb for Fighting Ä°nfections.
It is also used for Arthritis, Osteoarthritis , Gout and Rheumatism

3) Dandelion tea actively ameliorates disease—it is a potent disease-fighter—and helps the body heal, helps Boost Ä°mmunity and Heart Disease, and age-related Memory Loss.

4) Treating Anemia: Because of the high content of iron in dandelion root, it is beneficial for building red blood cells in the body to treat anemia.

5) Treating Diabetes: Dandelion root has been shown to lower blood sugar levels in patients. In Europe, it's used to treat Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes.

6) Digestive System: Dandelion root, when made into a tea, is beneficial for relieving constipation, flatulence and fullness.

7) Treating High Blood Pressure: Dandelion root is a natural Diuretic. When combined with its high potassium content, it is an effective treatment to lower blood pressure.

8) Dandelion tea helps reduce High Cholesterol.

9) High Nutritional Value: Dandelion root contains vitamins A, B-complex, C and D as well as the minerals Ä°ron, Zinc and Potassium. This combination of vitamins and minerals also makes dandelion root a High Antioxidant Food.

10) Mood Enhancer: Due to the high amount of vitamin B-complex, dandelion root can help to stabilize mood and Treat Depression.

11) It is very beneficial to Menopausal Women

12) Dandelion root is also used to treat skin disorders such as Acne, Eczema and Psoriasis.

13) Laxative: Dandelion root is also a mild laxative and is used to help with regularity.

14) Dandelion tea helps with weight control—especially with Weight Loss.

(Composting spent dandelion tea Blossoms, Leaves, and/or Roots, after drinking your dandelion tea, improves soil composition.)

(There are very few side effects linked to using dandelion root. Allergic Reactions to the herb have been reported. People taking prescription lithium, a diuretic, medication to lower blood pressure or medication to lower blood sugar should not take dandelion root. Women who are Pregnant or Breastfeeding should consult their doctor before taking this herb.) please share !

Dandelion Root Health Benefits

* Dandelion root extract is unique, and is one of the only things found to help with chronic myelomonocytic Leukemia and it is effective in treating Breast Tumors

* Detoxification of vital organs : Because of the diuretic abilities of dandelion root, it is beneficial for flushing out the Liver, Kidneys and Gallbladder. Ä°t works great to purify the blood and cleanse the system. This also makes it a good herb for Fighting Ä°nfections.
It is also used for Arthritis, Osteoarthritis , Gout and Rheumatism

* Dandelion tea actively ameliorates disease—it is a potent disease-fighter—and helps the body heal, helps Boost Ä°mmunity and Heart Disease, and age-related Memory Loss.

* Treating Anemia : Because of the high content of iron in dandelion root, it is beneficial for building red blood cells in the body to treat anemia.

* Treating Diabetes : Dandelion root has been shown to lower blood sugar levels in patients. In Europe, it's used to treat Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes.

* Digestive System : Dandelion root, when made into a tea, is beneficial for relieving constipation, flatulence and fullness.

*Treating High Blood Pressure : Dandelion root is a natural Diuretic. When combined with its high potassium content, it is an effective treatment to lower blood pressure.

* Dandelion tea helps reduce High Cholesterol.

* High Nutritional Value : Dandelion root contains vitamins A, B-complex, C and D as well as the minerals Ä°ron, Zinc and Potassium. This combination of vitamins and minerals also makes dandelion root a High Antioxidant Food.

* Mood Enhancer : Due to the high amount of vitamin B-complex, dandelion root can help to stabilize mood and Treat Depression.

*Dandelion root is also used to treat skin disorders such as Acne, Eczema and Psoriasis.

* It is very beneficial to Menopausal Women

* Laxative : Dandelion root is also a mild laxative and is used to help with regularity.

* Dandelion tea helps with weight control—especially with Weight Loss.

( Composting spent dandelion tea Blossoms, Leaves, and/or Roots, after drinking your dandelion tea, improves soil composition. )

( There are very few side effects linked to using dandelion root. Allergic Reactions to the herb have been reported. People taking prescription lithium, a diuretic, medication to lower blood pressure or medication to lower blood sugar should not take dandelion root. Women who are Pregnant or Breastfeeding should consult their doctor before taking this herb. )

Anti-Inflamatory Lemonade

Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade:
1 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice
(4 -6 lemons)
4-6 cups of purified water
1 tsp of ground turmeric
1 tsp of cinnamon
Pinch of Himalayan Salt
Optional: Honey (or to taste)
Optional: 1 tsp ground/fresh ginger

Balanced Body Chemistry - Acidity vs Alkalinity

Balanced body chemistry is important for the maintenance of health and correction of disease. Acidosis, or over-acidity in the body tissues, is one of the basic causes of many diseases, especially the arthritic and rheumatic diseases.

All foods are "burned" in the body--more commonly called "digested"-- leaving an ash as the result of the "burning", or the digestion. This food ash can be neutral, acid or alkaline, depending largely on the mineral composition of the foods. Some foods leave an acid residue or ash, some alkaline. The acid ash (acidosis) results when there is a depletion of the alkali reserve or the diminution in the reserve supply of fixed bases in the blood and the tissues of the body.

So, it's important that there is a proper ratio between acid and alkaline foods in the diet. The natural ratio in a normal healthy body is approximately 4 to 1 -- four parts alkaline to one part acid, or 80% to 20%. When such an ideal ratio is maintained, the body has a strong resistance against disease. In the healing of disease, when the patient usually has acidosis, the higher the ratio of alkaline elements in the diet, the faster will be the recovery. Alkalis neutralize the acids. In the treatment of most diseases it is important that the patient's diet includes plenty of alkaline-ash foods to offset the effects of acid-forming foods and leave a safe margin of alkalinity.

A healthy body usually keeps large alkaline reserves which are used to meet the emergency demands if too many acid-producing foods are consumed. But these normal reserves can be depleted. When the alkaline-acid ratio drops to 3 to 1, health can be seriously menaced. Your body can function normally and sustain health only in the presence of adequate alkaline reserves and the proper acid-alkaline ratio in all the body tissues and the blood.

For optimum health and maximum resistance to disease, it is imperative that your diet is slightly over-alkaline. The ideal ratio, according to the world's foremost authority on the relationship between the acid-alkaline ratio in the diet in health and disease, Dr. Ragnar Berg, is about 80% alkali-producing foods and 20% acid-producing foods.

The Importance of Drinking Lemon Water

The Importance of Drinking Lemon and Water

The way you start each day is incredibly important. Whether you're a mom, a coach, a writer, a small business owner or a yoga teacher, what you do first thing in the morning matters.

According to Ayurvedic philosophy, choices that you make regarding your daily routine either build up resistance to disease or tear it down.

Ayurveda invites us to get a jump-start on the day by focusing on morning rituals that work to align the body with nature's rhythms, balance the doshas and foster self-esteem alongside self-discipline.

Your mind may say you have to check emails, take the dog out, get the kids out the door, that you can't be late for work or that you just don't have enough time to cultivate your own morning rituals.

But, if you can only make time for one ritual that will improve your health, let it be this.....

Start the day out with a mug of warm water and the juice of half a lemon.

It's so simple and the benefits are just too good to ignore. Warm water with lemon:

1. Boosts you're immune system

Lemons are high in Vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C is great for fighting colds and potassium stimulates brain & nerve function and helps control blood pressure.

2. Balances pH

Lemons are an incredibly alkaline food, believe it or not. Yes, they are acidic on their own, but inside our bodies they're alkaline (the citric acid does not create acidity in the body once metabolized). As you wellness warriors know, an alkaline body is really the key to good health.

3. Helps with weight loss

Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. It also has been shown that people who maintain a more alkaline diet lose weight faster. And, my experience is that when I start the day off right, it's easier to make the best choices for myself the rest of the day.

4. Aids digestion

The warm water serves to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis—the waves of muscle contractions within the intestinal walls that keep things moving. Lemons and limes are also high in minerals and vitamins and help loosen ama, or toxins, in the digestive tract.

5. Acts as a gentle, natural diuretic

Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials because lemons increase the rate of urination in the body. Toxins are, therefore, released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy.

6. Clears skin

The vitamin C helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water purges toxins from the blood which helps keep skin clear as well.

7. Hydrates the lymph system

This cup of goodness helps start the day on a hydrated note, which helps prevent dehydration (obviously) and adrenal fatigue. When your body is dehydrated, or deeply dehydrated (adrenal fatigue) it can't perform all of it's proper functions, which leads to toxic buildup, stress, constipation, and the list goes on. Your adrenals happen to be two small glands that sit on top of your kidneys, and along with your thyroid, create energy. They also secrete important hormones, including aldosterone. Aldosterone is a hormone secreted by your adrenals that regulates water levels and the concentration of minerals, like sodium, in your body, helping you stay hydrated. Your adrenals are also responsible for regulating your stress response. So, the bottom line is that you really don't want to mess with a deep state of dehydration!

Adopting just this one practice of drinking a cup of warm water with lemon in the morning for a month can radically alter your experience of the day. Don't be surprised if you begin to view mornings in a new light.

Like I said, the recipe is really simple - a cup of warm (not hot) water and the juice from half a lemon.

In the comments below, tell me which one of these benefits is going to get you to try this morning ritual. Or, if you're already a lemon water junkie, what specific benefits have you noticed?


Hemp Facts:

* The original Levi Strauss jeans were made from a hempen canvas.

* Old Glory was made from hemp fiber.

* A 44 gun frigate like “Old Ironsides” took over 60 tons of hemp for rigging, including an anchor cable 25 inches in circumference.

* Henry Ford dreamed that someday automobiles would be grown from the soil. In 1941 the Ford motor company produced an experimental automobile with a plastic body composed of 70% cellulose fibers from hemp. The car body could absorb blows 10 times as great as steel without denting. The car was designed to run on hemp fuel. Because of the ban on both hemp and alcohol the car was never mass produced.

* Industrial hemp can replace cotton. Cotton is typically grown with large amounts of chemicals that are harmful to people, wildlife and the entire environment. Close to 50% of all the world's pesticides are sprayed on cotton. Hemp grows well in a wide variety of climates and soils. It requires far less fertilizer and pesticides than most commercial crops.

* All parts of the hemp plant are useful. Hemp can be used to produce everything from fuel to soap.

* The oil from hemp seeds has the highest percentage of essential fatty acids and the lowest percentage of saturated fats.

* Industrial hemp can yield 3-8 dry tons of fiber per acre. This is four times what an average forest can yield. It can replace wood fiber and help save our forests. Trees take approximately 20 years to mature - hemp takes 4 months.
* Paper made from hemp lasts for centuries, compared to 25-80 years for paper made from wood pulp.


*Hemp has been grown for at least the last 12,000 years for fiber (textiles and paper) and food. It has been effectively prohibited in the United States since the 1950s.

*George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew hemp. Ben Franklin owned a mill that made hemp paper. Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence on hemp paper.

*When US sources of "Manila hemp" (not true hemp) was cut off by the Japanese in WWII, the US Army and US Department of Agriculture promoted the "Hemp for Victory" campaign to grow hemp in the US.

*Because of its importance for sails (the word "canvass" is rooted in "cannabis") and rope for ships, hemp was a required crop in the American colonies.


*Henry Ford experimented with hemp to build car bodies. He wanted to build and fuel cars from farm products.

*BMW is experimenting with hemp materials in automobiles as part of an effort to make cars more recyclable.

*Much of the bird seed sold in the US has hemp seed (it's sterilized before importation), the hulls of which contain about 25% protein.

*Hemp oil once greased machines. Most paints, resins, shellacs, and varnishes used to be made out of linseed (from flax) and hemp oils.

*Rudolph Diesel designed his engine to run on hemp oil.

*Kimberly Clark (on the Fortune 500) has a mill in France which produces hemp paper preferred for bibles because it lasts a very long time and doesn't yellow.

*Construction products such as medium density fiber board, oriented strand board, and even beams, studs and posts could be made out of hemp. Because of hemp's long fibers, the products will be stronger and/or lighter than those made from wood.

*The products that can be made from hemp number over 25,000.

Verticle Gardening - Get Creative!!

Hydrogen Peroxide Health Tips

HEALTH TIP: Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) ranks up there as one of the best household remedies. Hydrogen peroxide is one of the few “miracle substances” still available to the general public; it is safe, readily available, and dirt cheap. And best of all, it works!

Did you know that you probably had your first sip of hydrogen peroxide shortly after you took your first breath? That’s right… mother’s milk (especially colostrum) contains extremely high concentrations of H2O2. In light of the fact that we know that one of the main functions of mother’s milk is to activate and stimulate the immune system in the infant, the fact that it contains abnormally large amounts of H2O2 makes sense.

As far back as the early nineteenth century, hydrogen peroxide was widely used in medicine. Many bacterial diseases (including syphilis) responded to H2O2 when no other treatment was effective. In the early twentieth century, H2O2 was used to treat several common diseases, such as whooping cough, cholera, typhoid fever, ulcers, tuberculosis, and asthma. However, as the pharmaceutical industry began to develop expensive, new drugs, hydrogen peroxide was increasingly ignored and finally discarded as a treatment.

H2O2 stimulates natural killer (NK) cells, which attack cancer cells as they attempt to spread throughout the body. In the body’s immune response, hydrogen peroxide is released by T-cells to destroy invading bacteria, viruses and fungi. Blood platelets release hydrogen peroxide on encountering particulates in blood. In the large intestine, acidophilus lactobacillus produces H2O2 which keeps the ubiquitous candida yeast from multiplying out of control. When candida spreads out of the intestine, it escapes the natural control system and can gain a foothold in the organs of the body, causing what is called chronic fatigue syndrome.

During flu season, if the kiddos feel like they’re getting sick, we lay them down on their side and put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into their ear. After a few seconds, the liquid will bubble, indicating that it is killing the infection. After 5 or 10 minutes, we turn them over and repeat on the other ear. No one yet fully understands the complete workings of hydrogen peroxide, but we do know that it is loaded with oxygen.

We know that when H2O2 is taken into the body (orally or intravenously) the oxygen content of the blood and body tissues increases dramatically. Please remember that the hydrogen peroxide that is available at your local pharmacy (3% hydrogen peroxide) should NEVER be ingested orally, since it contains many stabilizers. The only grade recommended for internal use is 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, which must be properly diluted down to 3% with water. I use hydrogen peroxide each night before bed as a rinse and also a natural teeth whitener.

What Does Your Tongue Say About Your Health?

What Does Your Tongue Tell You About Your Health?

The tongue has been considered an important assessment organ for thousands of years. It is rich in vascular, or fluid, supplies; contains the taste receptor cells; and is nourished by both the nervous and circulatory systems. Many trained experts with nothing more than your tongue and a good eye, can diagnose many diseases. What does your tongue look like and what does it tell you about your health?

The tongue produces saliva, which contains water, electrolytes, mucus, and enzymes. The salivary chemicals can alter the appearance of the tongue in relation to organic imbalances. Taken together, these uniques attributes of the tongue help a trained practitioner make a contributory diagnosis using the tongue.

The first thing you must know is that traditional chinese medicine works on the principle good health is achieved by the proper balance of blood, fluids and energy (known as Qi - pronounced chee) flowing through the whole body. Illness results when any of these fall out of balance or proportion with the others.
Chinese medicine also uses the principles of Yin and Yang, two of the body's forms of life energies. Keeping these two in balance is also part of the daily therapeutic principles.

Everyone's life energies ebb and flow back and forth depending on the multitudes of forces which we are bombarded with on a continuous basis. Your diet, exercise, stress levels, work environment, your physical health and even the choices you make each day during the daily circumstances all vary the balance of emotions, health and well-being on a minute by minute basis. Keeping a good balance therefore through your daily environment yields proper health.

Chinese Medicine - The Tongue Matters

Traditional Chinese Medicine usually distinguishes the tongue in three major areas, called Upper Jao (tip of the tongue), Middle Jao (center of the tongue) and Lower Jao (back of the tongue).

Green Areas: sides of the tongue. Liver and detoxification system. Changes can indicate high toxicity levels. Darkening can reveal pain and discomfort.

Red and Grey Areas: tip of the tongue. Heart and functions of nervous and immune system. Can indicate colds, the flu, sleep issues, and issues in the mental state.

Yellow Area: center or the tongue. Spleen. Changes can reveal digestive or absorption issues.

Orange Area: back of the tongue. Kidney. Signs can indicate problems in the urinary, reproductive, and elimination systems, as well as adrenal issues or back issues.

Clean Water without a Filter

Adding a lime to water that’s been treated with a solar disinfectant system can actually remove harmful bacteria from your drink.

“Solar disinfection of water combined with citrus could be effective at greatly reducing E. coli levels…” says Kellogg Schwab, PhD, MS, director of the Johns Hopkins University Global Water Program.

Good clean drinking water is very important to our overall wellness, and what better way to take control of your health than to make your own. A recent study published by the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine found that adding limes to water that is being disinfected by the sun speeds up the disinfection process. Not only will you have naturally cleaned water, but it’ll have a twist of lime which boosts your immune system and fight seasonal allergies.

How to disinfect your own water: Fill a glass container with water. Cut up some limes and set it in the sun for 6-10 hrs.


Healing Herbs for the Body

Learn to Make a Pulser Pump

World's simplest water pump! Make a Pulser Pump! The pulser pump uses hydropower with no moving parts. Learn how to make your own here:

Effects of Poor Posture

For every inch that the head moves forward in posture, it increases the weight of the head on the neck by 10 pounds!

Poor neck posture leads to a Forward Head Position which is one of the most common causes of neck, head and shoulder tension and pain. This can be a result of injuries like sprains and strains of the neck leading to weak neck muscles, poor sleeping positions and the illustrated examples of driving stress, computer neck, couch neck and readers neck along with improper breathing habits.

The extra pressure on the neck from altered posture flattens the normal curve of the cervical spine resulting in abnormal strain of muscles, ligaments, bones and joints of the neck causing the joints to deteriorate faster than normal resulting in degenerative joint disease or neck arthritis as indicated in an article published in the Spine Journal, recognized internationally as the leading journal in its field and the leading subspecialty journal for the treatment of spinal disorders, 1986;6:591-694.
By: MaxLife Chiropractic