Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Benefits of Sage

The Benefits of Sage

This versatile plant has up to 2.8% volatile oils comprising various condensed tannins, flavonoids, and oestrogenic substances. In fact, it's healing properties have been known dating back to antiquity. In fact, its Latin name, Salvia officinalis, with the "Salvia" specifically, means "to save." In centuries past, it was thought to render men immortal.

In ancient times the sage extract was so prized, the Chinese traded with the Dutch three times the amount of their best tea in exchange for European sage herb. So, what are its benefits?

Its oestrogenic properties render it useful for treating hot flushes endemic to menopause
It is a wonderful remedy when taken as a hot infusion for colds.
Sage herb is a digestive stimulant inducing the expulsion of gas from the stomach and intestines.

Sage extract has the remarkable ability to stop sweating.

According to Sage herb improves brain function, including memory. Alzheimer's disease, for example, is accompanied by an increase of AChE activity leading to depletion of cholinergic and noncholinergic neurons of the brain. Sage inhibits AChE activity. Perhaps there is a reason why one who is wise is a "sage" and one who uses sage.
It has robust anti-inflammatory qualities helping rheumatoid arthritis sufferers.

Sage helps a debilitated nervous system.

When sage tea or sage extract is combined with cider vinegar, it has been found helpful as a gargle for sore throats, tonsillitis, and even laryngitis. It's even used as a mouthwash showing its antibacterial capabilities by helping infected gums, mouth ulcers, and cold sores.

In summary, sage has been shown in clinical studies to have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral effects -- no wonder ancients like the Romans, Greeks, Arabs, and Mediterraneans thought it capable of promoting immortality.
Sage Extract Precautions

Don't use sage herb extract for more than a week at a time. After taking a few days interruption, you can begin taking it again. NOTE: Medical practitioners warn pregnant women should not take the sage herb as a medicinal agent (small trace amounts in culinary dishes has small amounts to be harmless).

Nursing women as well as sage has the reputation of actually stanching the flow of breast milk. If you have any questions, at all as to its safety, we advise you to consult with your physician.

Tips on Choosing Sage Herb Supplements

1. Seek only standardized sage extract. Standardized extracts have the highest potency of active ingredients, where the herb's benefits are derived.

2. The supplements should be produced at pharmaceutical standard GMP registered facilities. Facilities that are GMP registered comply with the most rigid standards so as to minimize the possibility of contaminants. Nutritional supplements are not regulated by FDA and as such fraud is rampant with many so-called supplements containing contaminants with 1 in 5 not having the ingredients as proclaimed on the label!

3. Ensure the supplement manufacturer has a Certificate of Analysis (COA) on file for review by you the customer thus confirming the potency of the herbal ingredients listed on the label.

Recommended Sage Extract Supplement

After much research, we came across a company that meets these requirement, offering GMP compliant products. They are based in New Zealand, which has one of the strictest regulatory requirements for dietary supplement manufacturing in the world. In fact, their standards exceed the FDA's regulatory requirements. Their flagship multivitamin supplement for women product which contains sage herb extract, is scientifically formulated containing vitamins, minerals, trace and specialty minerals, and nutrient-rich enzymes.

This product is a one-of-a-kind nutraceutical engineered exclusively for women. This vitamin supplement for women (there is a men's version as well as a unisex version) has vital nutrients necessary for good woman's health; the sage herb is a powerful medicinal qualities needed by every women today. Incidentally, we've been taking this supplement for more than a year now and can attest to its benefits.

I've experience greater energy, better sleep, increased cognitive functions, and overall better health.

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