Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Making Your Own Tinctures & Extracts

 Making Your Own Tinctures and Extracts 

You can make liquid extracts using just water....that's what a tea is.  However, the water will go bad in a short time.  The best thing to use is a mixture of water and grain alcohol - cheap Vodka.  80 proof or 40% alcohol means that it is 60% pure water and 40% grain alcohol.   Alcohol helps to extract some of the compounds which are harder to get out with water.  Also, if you prefer, apple cider vinegar can be used as well instead of alcohol.

Tincture should be made on a new moon (when its dark).  Take fresh herbs, place in blender, cover herbs completely with vodka.  Turn on the blender, blend about 1 minute or until it's completely blended.  This is called a full-spectrum tincture.  The smell and taste are fullbodied.  The fresh tincture is potent.  You can take it when it is freshly blended, and it is very good.  But you should put this in a jar, place in a pantry or other dark place, take it out each day and shake it, place it back in the pantry.  Do this for fourteen days.  At the end of fourteen days, take it out, strain out the herb, and what you have is an aged tincture which will last indefinitely, preserved by the alcohol.  There are those who prefer to leave the herb in and not strain it out.  If you do, that's great, but you won't be able to keep it in a dropper bottle in your purse unless you strain some of it.

The number one emergency herb to have on hand is cayenne.  That's right, hot peppers.   Hotter means more phytochemical, which means more medicinal effect.  So always get the hottest peppers you can find.  See this chart which rates the heat units of each pepper.  You want at least 100,000 (or 100K) heat units.

Remove stems from peppers.  Put whole peppers into blender, and cover with vodka.  Blend on high for one minute, or until thoroughly blended.  It will be a kind of thick, soupy mix.  You can eat this by spoonfuls right from the blender, it should make you feel warm, energetic, and have a sense of well-being.  You can save it like this and eat some whenever you want.  However, you should strain at least some of it and put it in those dark glass dropper bottles.  Keep a bottle in your pocket, purse, car glove compartment, home medicine chest, your office desk, any place you spend a lot of time.  You can also allow whole or chopped peppers to dry out on your kitchen cabinet and grind them to powder.

Therapeutic Benefits:

Stops bleeding (internal or external), Heart Attack, Stroke, Shock.  Revives, relieves fainting, dizziness, weakness and confusion.

For hemorrhage after childbirth, squirt 15-20 dropperfuls directly into the vagina.  The bleeding will stop in seconds.

For newborns with respiratory failure, use several drops tincture diluted half and half with water right on their tongues.

Congestive heart failure, drink 1 heaping tablespoon powder in a glass of warm water.

Heart attack, start at 5 dropperfuls.  Begin at 2 dropperfuls if the person is unconscious, then add more as response begins.  A dropperful is approximately 30 drops.  Testimonials have been received in which people who have been clinically dead, turning blue, whose hearts had stopped, were given this tincture from 1 to 12 dropperfuls, and their heart restarted and they recovered.

Wounds, you can pack them with the powder, or wash the wound with tincture, bleeding should stop in seconds.

Internal maintenance dose for tincture:  start with 5 drops in water or juice 3 times daily.  Go up to as many dropperfuls as you like.

Internal maintenance dose for powder:  start with 1/8 teaspoon 3 times daily, and go up if needed to many teaspoons per day.

These fresh tinctures are much stronger and more helpful than any you can buy commercially.  

Many people do not believe herbs work, because they have tried what's available at the store, and nothing has happened.  They don't work for two reasons:  1)  They don't use a large enough dose and 2) commercially made products are usualy so weak that you could drink a whole bottle with no results.

Making them yourself assures they are fresh and potent.

Make Your Own Tinctures

Have your herbs and take them too - Make your own tinctures

by Paul Fassa

The effort to restrict supplements has begun in a failing economy. One has to be creative to offset or avoid these increasing efforts to deprive us of supplements and natural medicines. One solution is to make and store our own herbal tinctures and extracts. It's actually quite easy.

If herbs become too difficult to purchase, it doesn't take much soil to grow your own.

Tincture Extract Advantages

The initial investment involves buying one or more large jars and one or two ounce dropper bottles. Then you can buy a pound of herbs on line for the same price as a one ounce tincture off the shelf. Just make sure you select herbs that are organic and not irradiated.

Preparing teas and decoctions are daily or almost daily enterprises. A tincture will last for a much, much longer time. Once the tincture is ready, you can tap into it daily with a dropper full or two. Enjoying the herbal wonders daily for a year or so after a twenty to thirty dollar investment means you can enjoy the benefits of herbal extracts for pennies a day.

A Basic Formula

One recipe uses vodka, which is a combination of pure water (hopefully) and ethyl alcohol (aka, ethanol and grain alcohol, the type that is drinkable). The alcohol that can kill with a couple of sips is isopropyl or rubbing alcohol.

If you want to ensure purity, you can buy grain alcohol and distilled water separately then mix them. The word "proof" alongside a number indicates twice the percentage of alcohol. In other words, 80 proof vodka is 40% alcohol with 60% water, which many consider the ideal ratio for tinctures.

Others prefer 50/50, which means the vodka needs to be 100 proof. Pure grain alcohol is 200 proof. A little of that in a punch bowl goes a long way! So you can use the most common ratio of 60% water by volume with 40% ethanol (ethyl or grain alcohol), or simply go 50/50 with the two liquids.

Use a large glass jar with a screw on cap, like a mason jar. Pour in the dried herbs up to one-third or almost half the container. The bulkier the herbs, the more should go into the jar. Then take your vodka or alcohol/water solution and pour it to almost the top, allowing some space to swoosh the solution by gently shaking the capped jar.

Though many say two weeks seasoning is sufficient, this author was instructed by a naturopath/herbalist to season for 30 days. Either way, the jar should season in a cool, dark space and be shaken gently each day during its seasoning cycle. After seasoning, you can filter out the herbs and put the liquid into another glass container, or simply leave it and siphon off a bit at a time.

You can use one or two ounce glass bottles with glass eyedroppers for taking the tincture. This way the mother jar can be kept off to the side in a dark space, with or without the herbs. One or two full droppers full daily are recommended for most. It usually takes two dropper squeezes to make one full dropper since it's impossible to get a full dropper full in one draw. You can simply squirt it directly into your mouth or under your tongue, or mix it with water or tea.

Those, who need to avoid alcohol completely, should place the tincture into a cup of hot water and let is sit until cool enough to drink. This helps evaporate some of the alcohol content away.

Monday, January 9, 2012

How to Find Water in the Wilderness & Elsewhere

Knowing how to find water in the wild is important. Actually, there are many ways you can find water, whether you are in a desert or forest.

How to find waterFirst, look for surface water, such as streams, rivers and lakes. Running water such as springs or streams in isolated areas at high altitudes is probably safe for consumption. Be aware that, for instance, melted water from ice and glaciers contains bacteria in abundance. If you are not familiar with the area, and are unsure about the water quality, purify the water. Take no risk.

In areas where no surface water is available, dig into damp soil and allow this muddy water to settle and become clear or learn how to make a water filter. Be careful of stagnant water with little or no signs of life.

To increase your chances of finding water, look for the following:

· Valleys and low areas are places where water naturally drains.

· Rock crevices. Rainwater may have been collected.

· Muddy or damp ground.

· Patches of green vegetation indicate water of some sort.

· Places where animal tracks converge, maybe a water source nearby?

· Insects, as they often stay close to water.

· Birds, as they will often circle a watering hole.

How To Make A Water Filter

Knowing how to make a water filter is important, if the only water you can find is dirty muddy water. There are a number of different ways to make a water filter. One simple way is to use sand. Sand is nature's way of purifying water.

Simple sand water filter

1. To start with, you need a container. If you can find a large, empty can, use it. Punch 5-10 holes in the bottom of the can. A large plastic bottle is also fine. Cut the end of the bottle off evenly. If there is no container available, you have to use what material that nature can provide, or that you brought with you.

If you find a birch tree, make a cone of birch bark. The cone will need to have a fairly small hole in the bottom. Tie the cone with rope to keep it from opening up.

2. First, you need to stop the sand to get out of the container.
Find some filter material you can place at the bottom. For instance:

• a couple of inches (centimeters) of pebbles.
• a grass mesh, make sure it’s nonpoisonous grass.
• or cotton material.

how to make a water filter3. Add a layer of gravel. The main purpose of the gravel layer is to strengthen the filter material and prevent sand mixed with the water you get from the filter.

4. Fill your bottle or cone with sand.

5. Collect some water. Pour your collected water through the filter. Catch it in another container at the bottom. Look at the water that comes out of the filter. It should be clear. If not, you may have to pass the water through the filter more than once.

Safe water

Now you know how to make a water filter, but to get safe water to drink, you also have to purify your water. The water may still contain harmful bacteria that your filter did not remove.

To improve your water filter, add a layer of charcoal between the gravel and sand layer. Get charcoal from your fire, crush it, not to powder but just fine gravel size.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Remove Radiation Poisoning Using Sea Salt & Baking Soda

Sea salt and baking soda, best all natural remedy for curing radiation exposure and cancer.

If you have been exposed to any form of radiation, either for medical diagnostic purposes (fluoroscopy/mammography/other medical x-ray exams) or in the course of radiotherapy treatment, or if you are otherwise concerned by excessive radiation exposure, overload or poisoning (such as living near a nuclear reactor facility, working with diagnostic radiological equipment/in the nuclear processing industries/uranium mining/uranium or plutonium processing), or if you have been exposed to radioactive particles or higher ionizing radiation doses stemming from other sources such as depleted uranium (DU), testing of atomic weapons, frequent flights in higher altitudes, a nuclear disaster (radiation fallout from the Japan nuclear power plants) etc., here are a number of tips and suggested remedies how to naturally help your body excrete damaging radioactive elements (e.g. strontium and radioactive iodine) or detoxify their noxious byproducts such as free radicals as well as deal with radiation burns.
If you are having any kind of radiation treatments, macrobiotic is the cure.  Macrobiotics is very effective in curing radiation sickness and cancer.
If you are diagnosed with cancer and you want to survive the cancer avoid any and all exposure to radiation treatment. Radiation treatment of any kind is what actually kills people diagnosed with cancer.  Exposure to radiation causes a cascade offree radicals that wreak havoc on the body. Free radicals damages DNA, protein, and fats. Free radical damage has been clinically proven to be a major contributor to cancer.  That being said, people don’t die of cancer, they die of radiation poisoning.  The repeated exposure to radiation through so-called treatment overwhelms the body’s immune system. Cancer doesn’t cause hair loss for cancer patients, the radiation treatment is solely responsible for that. Cancer doesn’t cause weight loss, the radiation treatment causes that because it suppresses your appetite. Cancer doesn’t cause a cancer patient to become very weak and sick, the radiation treatment poisons the body and makes them very weak and sick.
According to Michio and Aveline Kushi, in his book Macrobiotic Diet, Michio Kushi states: ‘At the time of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki in 1945, Tatsuichiro Akizuki, M.D., was director of the Department of Internal Medicine at St. Francis Hospital in Nagasaki. Most patients in the hospital, located one mile from the center of the blast, survived the initial effects of the bomb, but soon after came down with symptoms of radiation sickness from the radioactivity that had been released. Dr. Akizuki fed his staff and patients a strict macrobiotic diet of brown rice, miso* and tamari soy sauce soup, wakame and other sea vegetables, Hokkaido pumpkin, and sea salt and prohibited the consumption of sugar and sweets. As a result, he saved everyone in his hospital, while many other survivors in the city perished from radiation sickness.’”
In case you missed it the secret to surviving all forms of radiation exposure is sea salt. If you are concerned about the radiation fallout from the Japan nuclear plants disaster or if you had an X-ray (from hospitals and airport screening) or radiation treatments for cancer, soak your body in sea salt (not iodized table salt) baths to help pull out the radiation from your body.
If you were diagnosed with mouth or throat cancer and you were subjected to deadly radiation treatments gargling with baking soda mixed in water will help neutralize the radiation.
Baking soda is so powerful in curing radiation contamination that at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, researcher Don York has used baking soda to clean soil contaminated with uranium. Sodium bicarbonate binds with uranium, separating it from the dirt; so far, York has removed as much as 92 percent of the uranium from contaminated soil samples.  Still not convinced?  Would it help to know that the United States Army recommends the use of baking soda to protect the kidneys from radiation damage.
Radiation is very toxic. Exposure to radiation of any amount is harmful to your body. Exposure to radiation through x-rays (hospitals and airport screening) or any of the so-called cancer treatments are the most dangerous source of radiation poisoning. X-rays and radiation cancer treatments are far deadlier than radiation fallout because the exposure is concentrated and frequent.
To pull the radiation poison out of the body, try bathing in half a cup of sea salt and half a cup of baking soda. Soak for at least 20-30 minutes, every day for three weeks or every other day for six weeks. . . or go on a vacation to the West Indies or South Pacific and swim in the ocean every day for three weeks! Why the Indies or South Pacific? Because of the higher concentration of sea salt.  Where is the best place on Earth to go for curing yourself of radiation?  The Dead Sea.   The Dead Sea salt content is four times that of most world’s oceans.  Sea salt draws the radiation out of the body.
Can’t afford to travel to the Dead Sea and cure yourself of the radiation poison from nuclear plant fallout, x-rays and radiation cancer treatment?  A tiny pinch of good quality sea salt in several glasses of distilled water each day will provide one with all the minerals and trace elements you  need to rid your body of the radiation and stay healthy.
Can’t stomach sea salt? The amino acid, cysteine also protects against the damaging effects of radiation by terminating the free radicals produced by ionizing radiation. Cysteine, together with methionine, cystine, and their derivatives, is numbered among the “sulphurated amino acids” due to the fact that these amino acids contain sulfur in addition to carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Natural Deodorant Alternatives

Since I learned about aluminum in normal antiperspirant, I have been searching for the best non-toxic deodorant alternatives. For whatever reason, most “natural” deodorants don’t work for me – they don’t deodorize my underarms (how unladylike!) or if they do work, it's only for a limited time and then I have to switch again.
You can try the recipe below or you can try the natural crystal deodorants, which I find also work well and can be found in may drugstores or natural health food stores. The only issue that many people experience with crystal deodorants is that you will sweat, which is actually very natural and healthy. Our pores shouldn't be clogged, because this the way our bodies cool down when we are over-heated, but if you prefer little to no seating, experiment with a combination of natural alternatives to find something that works for you.

Antique Powder Jar


  1. In a reusable and resealable container, mix 1 part baking soda with 6 parts cornstarch.  
  2. Close the container and shake vigorously for about a minute, to thoroughly mix the two powders.  
  3. Then dab a small amount to the skin of your armpits with a soft cotton cloth, cotton ball, or cosmetic applicator.  Apply as if you were lightly applying baby powder or cosmetic powder.


  • The application should last at least a day – for me it lasts at least 2 days!  
  • This method hasn’t left any stains or residues on my white or black clothing.  It seems to do better than normal deodorant in that regard! (Still, of course use caution with expensive and/or hard-to-clean items, as you would with any deodorant.)
  • A nice way to store your deodorant powder is in an antique cosmetic jar (above), which you can pick up at a garage sale or thrift store.
More Information
  1. Aluminum is a neurotoxin, and is found in most antiperspirants.  It has been linked to Alzheimer’s Disease, respiratory illnesses, reduced renal function, and DNA damage. Find out more herehere and here.  You should be able to find aluminum-free baking soda (aka sodium bicarbonate) in your local health food store. Note at 7pm:  After receiving a few notes from readers, I’ve done some extensive research, and found that aluminum is used to make baking powder, but not baking soda. … So it looks like any old baking soda will do!
  2. The parabens in many antiperspirants may be linked to breast cancer, and there are possible complications associated with SLS in deodorants.
  3. Curious how conventional antiperspirants work?  Find out here.
  4. If you decide that straight baking soda isn’t right for you, you might try “The Rock” or use one of the recipes here or here for homemade deodorant.

    Grow Potatoes In A Container

    Container gardening isn't only for savvy urban gardeners and folks with limited space to grow, it can also be for folks who want to maximize their yields in a controlled environment. Not only does growing potatoes in a barrel reduce the amount of weeding and exposure to pests and fungi, you don't even have to risk shovel-damage to the tender potatoes by digging them out of the ground when they're done, just tip the container over!
    After extensive research to plan my own potatoes-in-a-barrel, I've boiled all of the recommendations down to 4 simple steps to a winning potato harvest.
    1. Select and prepare a container
    You'll need to pick out a container such as a 50-gallon trash barrel or one of those half whiskey barrel planters. Alternatively, you can buy used food-grade barrels or commercially-available potato planters. Just about any 2 to 3-foot tall container will work, but be sure to select a container that either already has holes in it, or is okay to cut holes in. Next you'll want to clean your container with a mild bleach solution to get out any of the nasties that have been lingering in there. If you don't want to use bleach, you can make a bleach alternative to use instead with a vinegar and water solution.
    Good drainage is critical for the cultivation of healthy potatoes so you'll want to cut or drill a series of large drainage holes in the bottom and bottom sides of your container. Alternatively, you can cut out the bottom altogether and place it on a well-drained surface like your garden bed.
    2. Choose a variety and plant potatoes
    Seed potatoes can usually be found at nurseries early in the growing season, but you should only have to buy them once. If you can, “chit” or sprout your potatoes before planting them by setting them out in an egg carton, the side with the most buds facing up, and putting them in a cool light room out of direct sunlight to sprout. Putting the tubers in an open paper bag can have this same effect.
    Fill in the bottom of your container with about 6 inches of loose planting mix and compost. You'll want to use a planting mix with a peat moss-like soil amendment like this product made from repurposed coconut husks, doing so will keep the soil from becoming too compacted and help it to store moisture for the roots. Next, add some seed potatoes on the layer of soil, making certain to leave plenty of space between each cube. You can use the whole potato but I like to cut the potatoes into 1 to 2-inch cubes for planting. Loosely backfill the potatoes with another 6 inches of your soil and compost mix and water to dampen soil. Keep the soil damp at all times but be careful not to overwater.
    3. Add more soil
    When they have about 6 to 8 inches of foliage, add another layer of your soil-compost mix covering about one-half to three-quarters of the visible stems and foliage. Repeat this process of allowing the sprouts to grow and then covering the sprouts and moistening the soil as the plants grow up toward the top of the barrel.
    4. Harvest the potatoes
    After about 10 weeks or until the plants flower and start to yellow, the potatoes should be ready to harvest. Carefully dig down with your hands to inspect the top-most layer. After you've confirmed your suspicions, dump the barrel out on a tarp and inspect your bounty.

    Medicinal Uses For Various Herbs


    AGRIMONY HERB - Stops bleeding, diarrhea, gout, gargled for throat inflammations, inflammation of gall bladder.

    ALFALFA HERB - Allergies, anemia, appetite, arthritis, bursitis, cramps, diabetes, digestion, gout, morning sickness, nausea, pituitary gland, stomach, ulcers.

    ALOE HERB - Burns, acne, constipation, ear infection, eczema, intestines, hemorrhoids, mouth sores, poison ivy, poison oak, psoriasis, stomach.

    ALUMROOT - Styptic, astringent, diarrhea, piles, dysentery, gargle for sore throat.

    ANGELICA ROOT - Stomach aches, rheumatism, colic, colds, flu, coughs, indigestion, gas, anorexia, obstructed menses, neuralgia.

    ASTRAGALUS ROOT - Energy, infection, metabolic functions, promotes production of interferon.


    BALM of GILEAD BUDS - Toothaches, rheumatism, diarrhea, coughs, lungs, blood tonic, used externally for sores.

    BARBERRY (Yellow Root) - Antiseptic, blood purifier, hepatitis, fevers, hemorrhage, diarrhea, arthritis, sciatica, infections, antibacterial.

    BAYBERRY ROOT BARK - Mucous membranes, sinus, thyroid, colds, diarrhea, cancer, hoarseness, leucorrhea, lungs, menstruation, colon, hemorrhage.

    BEE POLLEN - Rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, stamina and vigor, contains vitamins A,C D & E, natural food supplement.

    BEECH DROPS HERB - Diarrhea, dysentery, mouth sores, cancers, cold sores.

    BETH ROOT - Coughs, bronchial troubles, lung, hemorrhage, excessive menstruation, leucorrhea, lax conditions of vagina.

    BLACK OAK BARK - Hemorrhoids, leucorrhea, thrush, varicose veins, uterus.

    BLACKBERRY ROOT - Diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding internally, excellent for runny nose, sinus drainage.

    BLACK COHOSH ROOT - Menstrual cramps, uterine troubles, pain relief in childbirth, dropsy, asthma, high blood pressure, circulation equalizer, female hormones.

    BLACK HAW BARK - Prevents miscarriage, uterine tonic, sedative, nervine, asthma.

    BLACK INDIAN HEMP ROOT - Induces sweating, laxative, headaches, liver disease, indigestion, rheumatism, syphilis.

    BLACK WALNUT HULL - Poison ivy, all skin rashes, worms, ringworms.

    BLACK WILLOW BARK - Bedwetting, convulsions, baldness, dandruff.

    BLADDERWRACK PLANT - Iodine deficiency, Goiter, softens skin, throat irritations, weight loss, softens mucous membranes, thyroid.

    BLESSED THISTLE HERB - Liver purifier, flu, colds, reduces fever, promotes flow of bile.

    BLOOD ROOT - Warts, excellent eczema, for piles, skin disease, ring worm.
 Use as an external application only.

    BLUE COHOSH ROOT - Regulate menstrual flow, suppressed menstruation, makes childbirth easier, chronic uterine trouble, vaginitis, cramps, high blood pressure, diabetes, leucorrhea, female hormones.

    BLUE FLAG ROOT - Strong laxative, stimulate bile flow, stimulates bowel, liver and kidneys, migraines.

    BLUE VERVAIN HERB - Nerves, fever, stomach ache, cloudy urine, mucous in respiratory tract.

    BLUE VIOLET HERB - Cancer, serious infections, mild laxative, pulmonary problems, loosen phlegm in

    BONESET HERB - Fever, diuretic, loosen bowels, colds, fever.

    BORAGE LEAF - Kidney, urinary bladder, sore throat, fevers, soothes mucous membranes, anti inflammatory.

    BUCKTHORN BARK - Gallstones, constipation, liver, itching, parasites, rheumatism, skin diseases, warts, gout, hemorrhoids.

    BUGLEWEED HERB- Liver disorders, thyroid, stops bleeding, coughs, ulcers, rheumatism, goiter.

    BURDOCK ROOT - Swelling and deposits in joints, arthritis, acne, blood purifier, bursitis, eczema, skin diseases, obesity, ulcers, psoriasis, boils, poison ivy and oak.

    BUTCHERS BROOM - Healthy veins, blood circulation, varicose veins.

    BUTTERNUT (White Walnut Bark) - Tape worms, fungus, infections, anti-tumor, cathartic, laxative, rheumatism, headaches.

    BUTTON SNAKE ROOT - Liver ailments, increase urine flow, muscular pains, rheumatism, respiratory ailments, kidney trouble, bladder problems, increase perspiration.


    CALAMUS-SWEET FLAG ROOT - Interim heat fevers, stomach, stimulates appetite, tobacco habit, dyspepsia, intermittent fevers.

    CAPSICUM FRUIT (Cayenne) - Very stimulating, rheumatism, inflammations, pleurisy, antispasmodic, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, ulcerated stomach, yellow fever, all fevers.

    CASCARA BARK - Constipation, gall bladder, liver, hemorrhoids, jaundice, laxative (no griping).

    CATS CLAW BARK - Aids body defense system.

    CATNIP HERB - Colic, contagious diseases, diarrhea, fever, headache, insomnia, nerves, tension stress, nightmares, parasites.

    CHAMOMILE FLOWERS - Sedative, anti-inflammatory, allays arthritis/cramps/ pain, antispasmodic.

    CHAPPARAL HERB - Acne, allergies, arthritis, blood purifier, cancer, hair growth, kidneys, obesity, prostate, psoriasis, tumors, warts.

    CHICKWEED HERB - Water retention, weight loss, rheumatism, bronchial tubes, scurvy, pleurisy, hoarseness, coughs, colds, bronchitis.

    CHICORY ROOT - Diuretic, laxative, fevers, lowers blood sugar, sedative, liver, gallbladder, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, coffee substitute.

    CINQUEFOIL HERB (Five Fingers) - Diarrhea, astringent, skin diseases.

    CLEAVERS HERB - Kidney and bladder trouble, wash to clear complexion, fever, all skin disease, blood cleanser, liver strengthener, cancer, scofola, eczema incontinence.

    CLOVES FRUIT - Expels worms, diarrhea, bad breath, toothache, stomach cramps.

    COLOMBO ROOT - Increase appetite, colic, cramps, dysentery, diarrhea, stomach aches, nausea, general tonic.

    COMFREY ROOT - Coughs, catarrh, hemorrhage, asthma, tuberculosis, kidneys, stomach, bloody urine, cancer.

    COLTSFOOT LEAF - Asthma, coughs, bronchitis, lung congestion, sore throat, smoke leaves for asthma and coughs.

    CORN SILK - Prostate, kidneys urinary bladder, diuretic, gout, cystitis, rheumatism, hypoglycemia, hypertensive.

    CRANESBILL ROOT - Diarrhea, hemorrhage, douche for womb troubles, mucus and pus in bladder and intestines, diabetes, Bright’s disease.

    CRAMP BARK - Spasms, menstrual cramps, uterine sedative, antispasmodic.

    CUCUMBER MAGNOLIA BARK - Typhoid fevers, indigestion, worms, toothache, rheumatism, tobacco habit.

    CUL.AMERICAN GINSENG Root - Aphrodisiac, energy, sex stimulant, aging, stamina.

    CULVERS ROOT - Strong laxative, induce sweating, stimulate fever.


    DAMIANA LEAF - Female problems, frigidity, hormones, menopause, hot flashes, prostate, sex stimulant, balance female hormones.

    DANDELION ROOT - Prostate, kidneys, anemia, blood builder, diabetes, liver cleanser, low blood pressure, blood purifier, spleen.

    DEVILS CLAW ROOT - Arthritis.

    DEVILS WALKING STICK TREE BARK - Blood cleaner, boils, skin eruptions, swelling.

    DITCH STONE CROP HERB - Laxative, demulcent, tonic, mucous membranes, vaginitis, dysentery, diarrhea, piles, chronic bronchitis, nervous indigestion.

    DOGWOOD TREE BARK - Chronic diarrhea, malarial fevers.


ECHINACEA - (Angustifolia Root) - Blood cleanser, blood poisoning, acne, eczema, boils, peritonitis, infections, carbuncles, natural antibiotic, gargle for sore throat, colds.

    ELDERBERRY LEAF - Stimulant, carminative, headaches.

    ELECAMPANE LEAF - Pneumonia, whopping cough, asthma, bronchitis, worms, diarrhea, upset stomach, cancer, worm expellant, fungicidal, sedative, antibacterial, lowers blood sugar.

    EUCALYPTUS LEAF - Bronchitis, tuberculosis, nose/ throat inflammations, treat intestinal worms.

    EVENING PRIMROSE HERB (Common) - Alleviate fatty acids, asthma, migraines, inflammations, diabetes, arthritis, alcoholism, premenstrual syndrome.

    EYEBRIGHT HERB - Eye ailments, improves eyesight, cataracts, strengthens eyes, allergies, diabetes, digestion.


    FENNEL SEED - Relieves gas, infant colic, diserectic, expectorant, kills bacteria, stimulates milk flow in new mother, carminative, laxative, removes hook worms.

    FENUGREEK SEED - Sore throat, clear mucous from bronchial, bowels, fevers.

    FEVERFEW HERB - Migraine headaches, pain, fevers, cramps, worms, colds, sedative, arthritis.

    FIGWORT ROOT - Irregular menses, fevers, piles, tonic, restlessness, sleeplessness, cancer.

    FIT ROOT - (Indian Pipe) - Bunions, warts, eyewash for sore eyes, pains, sedative, nervousness, antispasmodic, restlessness, nervous irritability, bactericidal.

    FLAX SEED - Skin and mouth cancers, cough, colds, lung, urinary ailments, laxative, fevers.

    FRINGE TREE BARK - Diarrhea, ulcers in mouth and throat, fevers, skin inflammations.


    GARLIC BULB - Increase appetite, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, natural antibiotic, yeast infections, parasites, gas, fever, contagious disease, cancer, diarrhea.

    GENTIAN ROOT - Stimulate digestion, hepatitis, headaches, constipation, weak appetite.

    GINKGO LEAF - Increase mental acuity, improve blood circulation, reduce clotting of blood, improve oxygen flow to brain, relieve dizziness, ringing in the ears, excellent for memory.

    GOLDEN RAGWORT HERB - Irregular menses, leucorrhea, natural anti-pregnancies, childbirth complications, lung ailments, dysentery, difficult urination.

    GOLDEN ROD Herb - Intestinal gas, fever, colds, promotes sweating.

    GOLDEN SEAL ROOT - Blood purifier, ulcers, improves appetite, catarrh, neutralizes poisons, all stomach disorders, equalizes circulation, leucorrhea, diabetes, natural antibiotic.

    GOTA KOLA HERB - Energy, endurance, aging, age spots, memory, vitality, mental fatigue, high blood pressure.

    GROUND IVY HERB - Lung ailments, skin eruptions, cancer, asthma, kidney ailments, blood purifier.

    GROUND PINE HERB - Fever, diarrhea, dysentery, rheumatism, erysipelas, gastric sedative, diuretic, aphrodisiac, styptic, external for herpes, eczema, dermatitis.

    GUARANA SEED - Powerful stimulant, headaches, migraines, stamina, endurance, arthritis.


    HAWTHORNE BERRIES - Energy, heart, insomnia, emotional stress, highblood pressure, menopause, rheumatism, arthritis, arteriosclerosis.

HEAL ALL HERB - Antibiotic, tumors, kidney ailments, circulation, diarrhea, hemorrhages, relieves gas, relieves colic, throat irritations, gargle for sore throat.

    HEMLOCK BARK - Kidney ailments, colds, fevers, diarrhea, coughs, stomach troubles, scurvy.

    HERB ROBERT HERB - Tuberculosis, stomach, intestines, jaundice, kidney infections, stops bleeding, gargle for sore throat cancer.

    HOREHOUND HERB - Respiratory passages, appetite stimulant, coughs, colds, mild sedative, coughs, bronchitis, sore throats, stomach, hepatitis, gall bladder, increases bile flow from liver.

    HONEYSUCKLE BARK - Lowers cholesterol, antiviral, antibacterial, flu, tumors(especially breast cancer), bacterial dysentery, laryngitis, fevers, scabies.

    HOPS FLOWER - Appetite, headaches, insomnia, nerves, morning sickness, obesity, parasites, water retention.

    HORSETAIL GRASS HERB - Bleeding, diabetes, diuretic, mucous, liver, jaundice.

    HUCKLEBERRY LEAF - Sore throat, diarrhea, parasites, diuretic, kidney stones, astringent, diabetes.

    HYDRANGEA ROOT - Increase urine flow, tonic, laxative, kidney stones, unusual dreams.

    HYSSOP HERB - Asthma, colds, coughs, all lung afflictions, phlegm in lungs, kids sore throat and quinsy, fever, increases blood circulation, reduces blood pressure, shortness of breath.


    IRISH MOSS HERB - Weight loss, cough, cancer, thyroid, pneumonia, bad breath.

    INDIAN TURNIP ROOT - Stomach gas, coughs, asthma, tuberculosis, increase urine flow, rheumatism.


    JEWELWEED HERB - Poison ivy rash (cure and preventative), ringworm, eczema, sprains, insect bites, burns, warts.

    JUNIPER BERRIES - Prostate, pancreas, allergies, arthritis, hayfever, blood builder, diabetes, hypoglycemia, water retention, kidneys, throat.


    KAVA KAVA ROOT - Anti depressant, stress, relaxation, sleep aid, migraines, relieves anxiety, antipasmodic.

    KELP PLANT - (Seaweed) - anemia, leg cramps, diabetes, eczema, hot flashes, morning sickness, pituitary gland, prostate, psoriasis, thyroid gland, goiters.

    KUDZU ROOT - Alcoholism, dysentery, headaches, induces sweating, diarrhea, lowers blood pressure and blood sugar, gargle for sore throat, acute intestinal obstructions.


    LADY SLIPPER ROOT - Headaches, jangling nerves, sedative, promotes sleep, allay pain.

    LARKSPUR FLOWER - Destroys human parasites such as head lice, mites (their eggs) and itch mites, insecticidal.

    LEATHERWOOD BARK - Laxative, toothaches, facial neuralgia, paralysis of tongue.

    LAVENDER HERB - Fragrance, sedative, intestinal gas, antispasmodics, repels moths.

    LICORICE ROOT – Addison’s disease, age spots, coughs, drug withdrawal, emphysema, endurance, female complaints, hypoglycemia, vitality, sex stimulant, longevity, menopause, tonic, throat.

    LILY OF VALLEY ROOT - Valvular heart disease, fevers, diurectic, heart tonic, sedative, external to prevent scar tissue, epilepsy.

    LIVERWORT HERB - Dizziness, coughs, reduce fever, liver, hemorrhage of lungs.

    LOBELIA HERB - Smoked for asthma, bronchitis, sore throats, coughs, sweating, sedative, asthma, whooping cough, fevers, helps appease physical need for nicotine, helps to quit smoking.


    MA HUANG HERB - Weight loss (excellent), allergies, asthma, diseases, inflammation, energy.

    MAIDENHAIR FERN HERB - Coughs, colds, hoarseness, excellent for bitters, stimulant, mucous in throat, 
loosen phlegm.

    MALE FERN ROOT - Exceptional tapeworm medicine.

    MALLOW ROOT - Digestive system stimulator, coughs, bronchitis, spleen, stomachaches, anti-inflammatory, diurectic.

    MAPLE BARK - Colds, coughs, bronchitis, kidney infections, gonorrhea, blood cleanser, skin eruptions, spitting of blood.

    MARIGOLD FLOWER - Nerves, brain, loss of memory, nervousness, mental fatigue, relieves inflammation, internal and external irritation, ulcers, stomach, cramps, colitis, diarrhea.

    MARSHMALLOW ROOT - Mucous membranes, gargle for sore throat, excellent for skin erruptions, excellent skin soother.

    MAYAPPLE ROOT - Regulator for bowels and liver, chronic liver disease, uterine diseases, laxatives, (fevers - jaundice, bilious, intermittent). Strongest herb laxative.

    MILK THISTLE HERB - Allay indigestion, liver, cirrhosis, hepatitis, restores liver function, any kind of poisoning or chemicals.

    MISSOURI SNAKE ROOT - Kidney, bladder, gonorrhea, stimulates immune system.

    MISTLETOE HERB - Epilepsy, fits, headaches, hypertension, used to stop bleeding after childbirth, lung ailments, paralysis, oral contraceptive, Do not use berries.

    MOONSEED ROOT - Diurectic, laxative, tonic.

    MOTHERWORT HERB - Promote menstruation, aid in childbirth, regulate menses, asthma, heart palpitations, sedative, insomnia, sciatica, spasms, fevers, antispasmodic.

    MUGWORT LEAF - Diurectic, induces sweating, fever, checks menstrual irregularity, tonic to nerves, bronchitis, colds, colic, epilepsy, kidneys, lowers blood sugar.

    MULLEIN LEAF - Asthma, croup, bronchitis, bleeding of lungs, hay fever, difficult breathing, diarrhea, pain killer, calms nerves, colds.

    MYRRH GUM Bark - Excellent for pyorrhea, bronchial and lung diseases, cures halitosis (bad breath), ulcers, piles, hemorrhoids, gangrene, cough, asthma, tuberculosis, ulcerated throat.


    OAT STRAW HERB - Arthritis, bed wetting, bladder, gout, rheumatism, bursitis, kidneys, nerves, lungs, liver, gallbladder.

    ORANGE PEEL - Headaches, vitamin C deficiency.

    OREGON GRAPE ROOT - Blood cleanser, mouth sores, fever blisters, cold sores, stomach.


    PAPAYA LEAF - Allergies, digestion, diverticulitis, gas, hemorrhage, paralysis, stomach, worms.

    PARSLEY LEAF - Prostate, spleen, thyroid, liver, kidneys, gallbladder, asthma, gallstones, cancer, allergies, pituitary gland, water retention.

    PARTRIDGE BERRY Herb (Squaw Vine) - Pain, rheumatism, dysentery, reduce swelling of tissues, relieves gas and colic.

    PASSION FLOWER Herb - Alcoholism, fever, headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia, nerves.

    PAU DÕARCO BARK - Immune system enhancer.

    PAW PAW BARK - Cancer, diuretic, laxative.

    PEACH TREE LEAVES - Bladder, laxative, insomnia, morning sickness, nerves, vomiting, water retention.

    PENNYROYAL HERB - Burning fevers, promote perspiration, gout, cold, phlegm in chest and lungs, headache, ulcers, intestinal pains, colic, griping, nausea, nervousness, hysteria.

    PEPPERMINT HERB - Fevers, chills, colic, nausea, vomiting, diuretic, influenza, la grippe, stimulant, cleans and strengthens entire body, headaches, nerves.

    PERIWINKLE HERB - Hemostatic, reduces blood pressure.

    PINK ROOT - Worms.

    PIPSESSIPUA WINTERGREEN HERB - Kidney, infections and disease, stones in bladder, arthritis.

    PLAINTAIN LEAF - Coughs, diarrhea, antimicrobial, stimulates healing process, bloody urine.

    PLAINTAIN ROOT - Diarrhea, bleeding, hemorrhoids, hemorrhage, kidneys, leucorrhea, tumors, ulcers, vaginal trouble.

    PLEURISY ROOT - Excellent for breaking up colds, pleurisy, asthma, bronchial and pulmonary complaints, typhus, burning fevers, acute dysentery, rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, measles.

    POKE BERRIES - Rub on (skin eruptions & cancerous skin ulcers) and internal for cancer, arthritis.

    POKE ROOT - Glands, especially thyroid gland, cancer, applied to skin will cure itching, scrofula, eczema, goiter.

    PRICKLEY ASH BARK - Chronic rheumatism, kidneys, heart, lungs, nerves, stimulates pancreas and bile blow.

    PSYLLIUM SEED - Colitis, colon, constipation, ulcers, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, lubricates and heals intestinal tract.

    PUMPKIN SEED - Worms, kidneys, bowels.


    QUASSIA CHIPS - Improve appetite, repellent of insects.

    QUEEN ANNES LACE (Wild Carrot Root) - Expels intestinal gas, rich in vitamin A, night vision.

    QUEEN OF MEADOW ROOT - Diabetes, kidneys, gravel, prostate, urination, water retention, uterus, vagina.


    RATSBANE WlNTERGREEN HERB - Increase urine flow, arthritis, diarrhea, ulcers, skin eruption, nervous disorders, tonic.

    RED CLOVER BLOSSOMS - Syphilis, blood purifier and cleanser, pellagra, leprosy, cancerous growths, cancer, stomach, various spasm, nerve soother, bronchial tubes.

    RED OAK BARK - Chronic diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding, piles, prolapse, chronic mucous discharge, antiviral, antiseptic, anticancer. External for poison ivy and skin eruptions.

    RED RASPBERRY LEAF - Morning sickness, childbirth, diabetes, diarrhea, mucous membranes, throat, bronchitis, coughs, dysentery, female organs.

    RED ROOT - Diabetes, asthma, chronic bronchitis, sick headache, acute indigestion, nausea, piles, hemorrhoids, dysentery, whooping cough, tuberculosis, cancer.

    ROSEMARY HERB - Calms nerves, insomnia, promotes restful sleep, sweetens disposition.

    RUE HERB - Worms, nervous heart palpitations, gout, joints, nerves, menstruation, thrush, blood pressure, repels flies and insects.


    SAGE HERB - Gargle for tonsillitis or ulcers in throat, quinsy stomach trouble, dyspepsia, gas in stomach/ bowels, expel worms, liver/kidney troubles, relieve headaches, hair tonic, fevers, dandruff, female trouble, lung problems.

    SARSAPARILLA ROOT (Wild) - Rheumatism, gout, ringworm, scrofula, psoriasis, cold, fever, blood purifier, aphrodisiac, sex stimulant, female hormones, blood thinner.

    SASSAFRAS TREE BARK - Blood purifier and cleanser, tonic for stomach and bones, relieves gas and colic, spasms (excellent).

    SAW PALMETTO BERRIES - Asthma, throat trouble, colds, bronchitis, lagrippe, excessive mucous discharge of sinus/ nose, all diseases of reproductive organs, diabetes, excellent to regain strength, prostate gland (excellent).

    SCOURING RUSH HERB - Bladder ailments, urinary incontinence, urethritis, cystitis.

    SENECA SNAKE ROOT - Bring up phlegm in cases of asthma and bronchitis.

    SENNA LEAF - Worms, laxative, scurvy, diuretic, appetite stimulant, fever, (Do not take if you have gout, rheumatism or kidney ailments, or cancer).

    SHEEP SORREL HERB - Cancer, diarrhea, excessive menstrual bleeding, inflammations, fevers, diuretic, antiseptic, appetite stimulant. Its the best anticancer herb of them all.

    SHEPHERDS PURSE HERB - Internal hemorrhage, bleeding from lungs, profuse menstruation, kidney complaints, bleeding piles, hemorrhoids, fevers, excellent for diarrhea, haemostatic.

    SKUNK CABBAGE ROOT - Tuberculosis, chronic catarrh, bronchial tubes, lungs, hay fever, pleurisy, epilepsy, nervous trouble, spasm.

    SLIPPERY ELM BARK - Laxative, fever, diarrhea, respiratory infections, excellent for stomach and bowels.

    SMARTWEED HERB - Hemostatic (stops bleeding), lowers blood pressure, diarrhea.

    SOLOMON SEAL ROOT - Cancer, rheumatism, all female troubles, poison ivy wash, allays pain, neuralgia, excellent poultice for piles.

    SPEARMINT HERB - Carminatives to relieve gas, stomachic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, diarrhea, colds, cramps, headaches, cancer, fevers, nausea.

    SPICE BUSH BARK - Colds, fevers, worms, colic, gas, thyroid fevers.

    SPIGNET ROOT - Childbirth easier, shortness labor, blood purifier, skin disease, pimples, coughs, colds, chest infections, back pain.

    SPIRULINA PLANT - Abundant in vitamin B-12, amino acids, beta carotene, minerals, longevity, brain, weight loss, balances blood sugar, increases energy, glands.

    SOAPWORT HERB - Diuretic, laxative, expectorant, gall disease. You can make soap out of this.

    STAR GRASS ROOT - Excellent female tonic, painful menstruation, digestive trouble, colic, gas.

    STAR GRUB ROOT - Uterine disorders, pain inside loins, poor appetite, depression, colic, intestinal worms, remedy vitamin C deficiency, increase urine flow, vomiting, saliva flow, natural steroid.

    STEVIA HERB - Best natural sweetener in herb kingdom.

    STILLINGIA ROOT - Blood purifier, syphilis, laxative, brings up phlegm.

    STINGING NETTLE HERB - Eczema, excellent kidney troubles, expel phlegm from lungs and stomach, clean out urinary passages, excellent hair tonic, dropsy, expel gravel from bladder, increase urine flow, neuralgia, scrofula, backache.

    ST. JOHNSWORT HERB - Anemia, bed wetting, coughs, diarrhea, gout, jaundice, menstruation, nerves, urination, lungs, cancer, aids, excellent anti-depressant, depression.

    STONE ROOT - Treat bodily water accumulation, headaches, cramps, indigestion, hemorrhoids, respiratory diseases.

    SUMAC BERRIES - Sore throat, coughs, diabetes, fevers, cleanser of system, mouth sores, bowel complaints, mouth wash, gargle for sore throat.

    SUMAC LEAVES - Asthma, diarrhea, dysentery.

    SUMAC TREE BARK - Skin ulcers, gonorrhea, diarrhea, infections of lymph glands.

    SWEET WOODRUFF HERB - Tonic for liver disorders, laxative, anti-arthritic.


    TANSY HERB - Weak kidneys, worms, gargle for sore throat, suppressed menses, flatulence, jaundice, antispasmodic, antiseptic, leaves insecticidal.

    THYME HERB - Fevers, headaches, asthma, whooping cough, diarrhea, nightmares (excellent).

    TRUE BLUE SKULLCAP HERB - Excellent nerve tonic, neuralgia aches and pains, St. Vitus, shaking palsy, hydrophobia, epilepsy, splendid to suppress excessive sexual desire.

    TURKEY RHUBARB ROOT - Contagious disease, colon, constipation, cystic, colitis, croup.

    TWIN LEAF ROOT - Cramps, spasms, nervous excitability, diarrhea, diuretic for kidney stones, dropsy, urinary infections, gargle for sore throat.

    TUMERIC SEED - Anti-oxidant, joint pain, arthritis, liver, stomach, gallbladder, asthma.


    UVA URSI HERB - Diabetes, dysentery, female problems, kidneys, leucorrhea, liver, menstruation, obesity, pancreas, prostate, spleen, uterus, vagina, hemorrhoids.


    VALERIAN ROOT - Migraine headaches, nerves, pain, insomnia, heartburn, gas, hangovers, spasms, menstruation, paralysis, stomach, ulcers, parasites, smoking, contagious diseases, convulsions.

    VIRGINIA SNAKE ROOT - Promotes sweating, fevers, stomach aches, indigestion, gargle for sore throat, laxative.


    WAHOO BARK - Fevers, upset stomach, dropsy, lung ailments, constipation, liver congestion, heart, contains digitalis like compounds.

    WATERCRESS HERB - Vitamins A and C, kidneys, heart, colds, asthma, tuberculosis, constipation, aphrodisiac.

    WHEAT GRASS HERB - Antioxidant.

    WHITE ASH BARK - Increase urine flow, increase perspiration, flu, colds.

    WHITE OAK BARK - Hemorrhoids, hemorrhage, goiter, gallbladder, leucorrhea, jaundice, parasites, bladder, ulcers, urination, uterus, vagina, varicose veins.

    WHITE PINE TREE BARK - Pine tar poulticed to draw out boils and abscesses, rheumatism, broken bones, kidneys, lungs, emetic, colds, coughs, sore throats.

    WHITE WILLOW BARK - Headaches, pain, fever, diarrhea, menstrual irregularity, natures aspirin.

    WILD AMERICAN GINSENG Root - Sex stimulant, aphrodisiac, energy builder, longevity, male hormones, aging, endurance. Does more for system than any other herb.

    WILD CHERRY BARK - Coughs, colds, measles, muscular soreness, fever, intestinal worms, indigestion, tuberculosis.

    WILD GINGER ROOT - Colds, motion sickness, morning sickness, bronchitis, digestion, stomach and bowel gas, nausea, sinus.

    WILD INDIGO ROOT - Cold tea to stop vomiting, laxative, gargle for sore throat, stimulate bile secretion, stimulates immune system.

    WILD LETTUCE HERB - Nerve tonic, migraine headaches, pain, toothaches, sedative, increase urine flow, opium substitute.

    WILD STRAWBERRY HERB - Stimulates appetite, stimulates blood cell formation, increases hemoglobin in blood, indigestion.

    WILD YAM ROOT - Gas pains, ulcers, stomach, nausea, menstruation, morning sickness, pain, natural steroid, female hormones.

    WITCH HAZEL BARK - Stops internal or external bleeding, piles, stops excessive menstruation, hemorrhages of lungs, stomach, uterus and bowels, diarrhea, circulation, gargle for throat problems, douche for leucorrhea whites.

    WOOD BETONY HERB - Headaches, urinary bladder, pain, kidneys, heartburn, dizziness, gout, asthma, bronchitis, menstruation, varicose veins, parasites, tonsillitis, scabies (head lice).

    WORMSEED HERB - Round worms, hook worms, dwarf tapeworms, intestinal amoeba, reduce gas.

    WORMWOOD HERB - Parasites, gallbladder, gas, stomach, indigestion, heartburn, circulation, boils, bursitis, arthritis, diarrhea, fever, liver.


    YARROW HERB - Flu, fever, pleurisy, lungs, ear infection, diabetes, congestion, contagious disease.

    YELLOW DOCK ROOT - Blood purifier, anemia, acne, boils, ear infection, liver, poison ivy and oak, tumors, psoriasis. Excellent for iron deficiency.

    YERBA MATE HERB - Bronchitis, colds, coughs, fever, headaches, asthma, laryngitis, rheumatism, tuberculosis, blood purifier.

    YOHIMBE BARK - Aphrodisiac, sex stimulant.

    YUCCA ROOT - Natural steroid, antitumor, arthritis, hair wash for baldness and dandruff.