Monday, January 9, 2012

How to Find Water in the Wilderness & Elsewhere

Knowing how to find water in the wild is important. Actually, there are many ways you can find water, whether you are in a desert or forest.

How to find waterFirst, look for surface water, such as streams, rivers and lakes. Running water such as springs or streams in isolated areas at high altitudes is probably safe for consumption. Be aware that, for instance, melted water from ice and glaciers contains bacteria in abundance. If you are not familiar with the area, and are unsure about the water quality, purify the water. Take no risk.

In areas where no surface water is available, dig into damp soil and allow this muddy water to settle and become clear or learn how to make a water filter. Be careful of stagnant water with little or no signs of life.

To increase your chances of finding water, look for the following:

· Valleys and low areas are places where water naturally drains.

· Rock crevices. Rainwater may have been collected.

· Muddy or damp ground.

· Patches of green vegetation indicate water of some sort.

· Places where animal tracks converge, maybe a water source nearby?

· Insects, as they often stay close to water.

· Birds, as they will often circle a watering hole.

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