Monday, January 2, 2012

Herbs Which Are Good For The Liver

BLESSED THISTLE - Heals the liver , purifies the blood , improves circulation, promotes flow of bile, alleviates inflammation.

BURDOCK ROOT - Blood purifier, restores liver and gallbladder function, important in cleansing the liver and blood, stimulates the immune system.

DANDELION - Liver and blood cleanser, fluid retention, useful for cirrhosis of the liver, fluid retention, hepatitis, jaundice, and rheumatism.

ECHINACEA - Stimulates blood cells; and has anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties; good for the immune system and infectious illnesses.

ASTRAGALUS - Acts as a tonic to protect the immune system, provides energy to combat fatigue, good for immune-deficiency-related problems, promotes production of interferon.

OLIVE LEAF - Olive Leaf Extract is an antibacterial, antiviral and antiparasitic substance. In clinical studies it was found to be effective against 98% of all bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections treated.

GINSENG - Enhances immune function, useful for circulatory problems, lack of energy and stress.

MILK THISTLE - Contains some of the most potent liver protecting substances known; also stimulates the production of new liver cells; good for weakened immune systems and for all liver disorders such as jaundice and hepatitis.

NETTLE - Expectorant, pain reliever, contains vital minerals that are essential in many disorders, good for inflammatory conditions, anemia and arthritis.

RED CLOVER BLOOM - Blood purifier and cleanser, good for liver disease and weakened immune systems.

SASSAFRAS - Blood purifier, blood cleanser, tonic for stomach and bones, relieves gas and colic, spasms

YELLOW DOCK - Acts as a blood purifier and cleanser; improves liver function; good for anemia and liver disease.

OLIVE LEAF - Olive Leaf Extract is an antibacterial, antiviral and antiparasitic substance. In clinical studies it was found to be effective against 98% of all bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections treated.

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