Monday, January 2, 2012

Medicinal Uses For Various Herbs


AGRIMONY HERB - Stops bleeding, diarrhea, gout, gargled for throat inflammations, inflammation of gall bladder.

ALFALFA HERB - Allergies, anemia, appetite, arthritis, bursitis, cramps, diabetes, digestion, gout, morning sickness, nausea, pituitary gland, stomach, ulcers.

ALOE HERB - Burns, acne, constipation, ear infection, eczema, intestines, hemorrhoids, mouth sores, poison ivy, poison oak, psoriasis, stomach.

ALUMROOT - Styptic, astringent, diarrhea, piles, dysentery, gargle for sore throat.

ANGELICA ROOT - Stomach aches, rheumatism, colic, colds, flu, coughs, indigestion, gas, anorexia, obstructed menses, neuralgia.

ASTRAGALUS ROOT - Energy, infection, metabolic functions, promotes production of interferon.


BALM of GILEAD BUDS - Toothaches, rheumatism, diarrhea, coughs, lungs, blood tonic, used externally for sores.

BARBERRY (Yellow Root) - Antiseptic, blood purifier, hepatitis, fevers, hemorrhage, diarrhea, arthritis, sciatica, infections, antibacterial.

BAYBERRY ROOT BARK - Mucous membranes, sinus, thyroid, colds, diarrhea, cancer, hoarseness, leucorrhea, lungs, menstruation, colon, hemorrhage.

BEE POLLEN - Rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, stamina and vigor, contains vitamins A,C D & E, natural food supplement.

BEECH DROPS HERB - Diarrhea, dysentery, mouth sores, cancers, cold sores.

BETH ROOT - Coughs, bronchial troubles, lung, hemorrhage, excessive menstruation, leucorrhea, lax conditions of vagina.

BLACK OAK BARK - Hemorrhoids, leucorrhea, thrush, varicose veins, uterus.

BLACKBERRY ROOT - Diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding internally, excellent for runny nose, sinus drainage.

BLACK COHOSH ROOT - Menstrual cramps, uterine troubles, pain relief in childbirth, dropsy, asthma, high blood pressure, circulation equalizer, female hormones.

BLACK HAW BARK - Prevents miscarriage, uterine tonic, sedative, nervine, asthma.

BLACK INDIAN HEMP ROOT - Induces sweating, laxative, headaches, liver disease, indigestion, rheumatism, syphilis.

BLACK WALNUT HULL - Poison ivy, all skin rashes, worms, ringworms.

BLACK WILLOW BARK - Bedwetting, convulsions, baldness, dandruff.

BLADDERWRACK PLANT - Iodine deficiency, Goiter, softens skin, throat irritations, weight loss, softens mucous membranes, thyroid.

BLESSED THISTLE HERB - Liver purifier, flu, colds, reduces fever, promotes flow of bile.

BLOOD ROOT - Warts, excellent eczema, for piles, skin disease, ring worm.
 Use as an external application only.

BLUE COHOSH ROOT - Regulate menstrual flow, suppressed menstruation, makes childbirth easier, chronic uterine trouble, vaginitis, cramps, high blood pressure, diabetes, leucorrhea, female hormones.

BLUE FLAG ROOT - Strong laxative, stimulate bile flow, stimulates bowel, liver and kidneys, migraines.

BLUE VERVAIN HERB - Nerves, fever, stomach ache, cloudy urine, mucous in respiratory tract.

BLUE VIOLET HERB - Cancer, serious infections, mild laxative, pulmonary problems, loosen phlegm in

BONESET HERB - Fever, diuretic, loosen bowels, colds, fever.

BORAGE LEAF - Kidney, urinary bladder, sore throat, fevers, soothes mucous membranes, anti inflammatory.

BUCKTHORN BARK - Gallstones, constipation, liver, itching, parasites, rheumatism, skin diseases, warts, gout, hemorrhoids.

BUGLEWEED HERB- Liver disorders, thyroid, stops bleeding, coughs, ulcers, rheumatism, goiter.

BURDOCK ROOT - Swelling and deposits in joints, arthritis, acne, blood purifier, bursitis, eczema, skin diseases, obesity, ulcers, psoriasis, boils, poison ivy and oak.

BUTCHERS BROOM - Healthy veins, blood circulation, varicose veins.

BUTTERNUT (White Walnut Bark) - Tape worms, fungus, infections, anti-tumor, cathartic, laxative, rheumatism, headaches.

BUTTON SNAKE ROOT - Liver ailments, increase urine flow, muscular pains, rheumatism, respiratory ailments, kidney trouble, bladder problems, increase perspiration.


CALAMUS-SWEET FLAG ROOT - Interim heat fevers, stomach, stimulates appetite, tobacco habit, dyspepsia, intermittent fevers.

CAPSICUM FRUIT (Cayenne) - Very stimulating, rheumatism, inflammations, pleurisy, antispasmodic, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, ulcerated stomach, yellow fever, all fevers.

CASCARA BARK - Constipation, gall bladder, liver, hemorrhoids, jaundice, laxative (no griping).

CATS CLAW BARK - Aids body defense system.

CATNIP HERB - Colic, contagious diseases, diarrhea, fever, headache, insomnia, nerves, tension stress, nightmares, parasites.

CHAMOMILE FLOWERS - Sedative, anti-inflammatory, allays arthritis/cramps/ pain, antispasmodic.

CHAPPARAL HERB - Acne, allergies, arthritis, blood purifier, cancer, hair growth, kidneys, obesity, prostate, psoriasis, tumors, warts.

CHICKWEED HERB - Water retention, weight loss, rheumatism, bronchial tubes, scurvy, pleurisy, hoarseness, coughs, colds, bronchitis.

CHICORY ROOT - Diuretic, laxative, fevers, lowers blood sugar, sedative, liver, gallbladder, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, coffee substitute.

CINQUEFOIL HERB (Five Fingers) - Diarrhea, astringent, skin diseases.

CLEAVERS HERB - Kidney and bladder trouble, wash to clear complexion, fever, all skin disease, blood cleanser, liver strengthener, cancer, scofola, eczema incontinence.

CLOVES FRUIT - Expels worms, diarrhea, bad breath, toothache, stomach cramps.

COLOMBO ROOT - Increase appetite, colic, cramps, dysentery, diarrhea, stomach aches, nausea, general tonic.

COMFREY ROOT - Coughs, catarrh, hemorrhage, asthma, tuberculosis, kidneys, stomach, bloody urine, cancer.

COLTSFOOT LEAF - Asthma, coughs, bronchitis, lung congestion, sore throat, smoke leaves for asthma and coughs.

CORN SILK - Prostate, kidneys urinary bladder, diuretic, gout, cystitis, rheumatism, hypoglycemia, hypertensive.

CRANESBILL ROOT - Diarrhea, hemorrhage, douche for womb troubles, mucus and pus in bladder and intestines, diabetes, Bright’s disease.

CRAMP BARK - Spasms, menstrual cramps, uterine sedative, antispasmodic.

CUCUMBER MAGNOLIA BARK - Typhoid fevers, indigestion, worms, toothache, rheumatism, tobacco habit.

CUL.AMERICAN GINSENG Root - Aphrodisiac, energy, sex stimulant, aging, stamina.

CULVERS ROOT - Strong laxative, induce sweating, stimulate fever.


DAMIANA LEAF - Female problems, frigidity, hormones, menopause, hot flashes, prostate, sex stimulant, balance female hormones.

DANDELION ROOT - Prostate, kidneys, anemia, blood builder, diabetes, liver cleanser, low blood pressure, blood purifier, spleen.


DEVILS WALKING STICK TREE BARK - Blood cleaner, boils, skin eruptions, swelling.

DITCH STONE CROP HERB - Laxative, demulcent, tonic, mucous membranes, vaginitis, dysentery, diarrhea, piles, chronic bronchitis, nervous indigestion.

DOGWOOD TREE BARK - Chronic diarrhea, malarial fevers.


ECHINACEA - (Angustifolia Root) - Blood cleanser, blood poisoning, acne, eczema, boils, peritonitis, infections, carbuncles, natural antibiotic, gargle for sore throat, colds.

ELDERBERRY LEAF - Stimulant, carminative, headaches.

ELECAMPANE LEAF - Pneumonia, whopping cough, asthma, bronchitis, worms, diarrhea, upset stomach, cancer, worm expellant, fungicidal, sedative, antibacterial, lowers blood sugar.

EUCALYPTUS LEAF - Bronchitis, tuberculosis, nose/ throat inflammations, treat intestinal worms.

EVENING PRIMROSE HERB (Common) - Alleviate fatty acids, asthma, migraines, inflammations, diabetes, arthritis, alcoholism, premenstrual syndrome.

EYEBRIGHT HERB - Eye ailments, improves eyesight, cataracts, strengthens eyes, allergies, diabetes, digestion.


FENNEL SEED - Relieves gas, infant colic, diserectic, expectorant, kills bacteria, stimulates milk flow in new mother, carminative, laxative, removes hook worms.

FENUGREEK SEED - Sore throat, clear mucous from bronchial, bowels, fevers.

FEVERFEW HERB - Migraine headaches, pain, fevers, cramps, worms, colds, sedative, arthritis.

FIGWORT ROOT - Irregular menses, fevers, piles, tonic, restlessness, sleeplessness, cancer.

FIT ROOT - (Indian Pipe) - Bunions, warts, eyewash for sore eyes, pains, sedative, nervousness, antispasmodic, restlessness, nervous irritability, bactericidal.

FLAX SEED - Skin and mouth cancers, cough, colds, lung, urinary ailments, laxative, fevers.

FRINGE TREE BARK - Diarrhea, ulcers in mouth and throat, fevers, skin inflammations.


GARLIC BULB - Increase appetite, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, natural antibiotic, yeast infections, parasites, gas, fever, contagious disease, cancer, diarrhea.

GENTIAN ROOT - Stimulate digestion, hepatitis, headaches, constipation, weak appetite.

GINKGO LEAF - Increase mental acuity, improve blood circulation, reduce clotting of blood, improve oxygen flow to brain, relieve dizziness, ringing in the ears, excellent for memory.

GOLDEN RAGWORT HERB - Irregular menses, leucorrhea, natural anti-pregnancies, childbirth complications, lung ailments, dysentery, difficult urination.

GOLDEN ROD Herb - Intestinal gas, fever, colds, promotes sweating.

GOLDEN SEAL ROOT - Blood purifier, ulcers, improves appetite, catarrh, neutralizes poisons, all stomach disorders, equalizes circulation, leucorrhea, diabetes, natural antibiotic.

GOTA KOLA HERB - Energy, endurance, aging, age spots, memory, vitality, mental fatigue, high blood pressure.

GROUND IVY HERB - Lung ailments, skin eruptions, cancer, asthma, kidney ailments, blood purifier.

GROUND PINE HERB - Fever, diarrhea, dysentery, rheumatism, erysipelas, gastric sedative, diuretic, aphrodisiac, styptic, external for herpes, eczema, dermatitis.

GUARANA SEED - Powerful stimulant, headaches, migraines, stamina, endurance, arthritis.


HAWTHORNE BERRIES - Energy, heart, insomnia, emotional stress, highblood pressure, menopause, rheumatism, arthritis, arteriosclerosis.

HEAL ALL HERB - Antibiotic, tumors, kidney ailments, circulation, diarrhea, hemorrhages, relieves gas, relieves colic, throat irritations, gargle for sore throat.

HEMLOCK BARK - Kidney ailments, colds, fevers, diarrhea, coughs, stomach troubles, scurvy.

HERB ROBERT HERB - Tuberculosis, stomach, intestines, jaundice, kidney infections, stops bleeding, gargle for sore throat cancer.

HOREHOUND HERB - Respiratory passages, appetite stimulant, coughs, colds, mild sedative, coughs, bronchitis, sore throats, stomach, hepatitis, gall bladder, increases bile flow from liver.

HONEYSUCKLE BARK - Lowers cholesterol, antiviral, antibacterial, flu, tumors(especially breast cancer), bacterial dysentery, laryngitis, fevers, scabies.

HOPS FLOWER - Appetite, headaches, insomnia, nerves, morning sickness, obesity, parasites, water retention.

HORSETAIL GRASS HERB - Bleeding, diabetes, diuretic, mucous, liver, jaundice.

HUCKLEBERRY LEAF - Sore throat, diarrhea, parasites, diuretic, kidney stones, astringent, diabetes.

HYDRANGEA ROOT - Increase urine flow, tonic, laxative, kidney stones, unusual dreams.

HYSSOP HERB - Asthma, colds, coughs, all lung afflictions, phlegm in lungs, kids sore throat and quinsy, fever, increases blood circulation, reduces blood pressure, shortness of breath.


IRISH MOSS HERB - Weight loss, cough, cancer, thyroid, pneumonia, bad breath.

INDIAN TURNIP ROOT - Stomach gas, coughs, asthma, tuberculosis, increase urine flow, rheumatism.


JEWELWEED HERB - Poison ivy rash (cure and preventative), ringworm, eczema, sprains, insect bites, burns, warts.

JUNIPER BERRIES - Prostate, pancreas, allergies, arthritis, hayfever, blood builder, diabetes, hypoglycemia, water retention, kidneys, throat.


KAVA KAVA ROOT - Anti depressant, stress, relaxation, sleep aid, migraines, relieves anxiety, antipasmodic.

KELP PLANT - (Seaweed) - anemia, leg cramps, diabetes, eczema, hot flashes, morning sickness, pituitary gland, prostate, psoriasis, thyroid gland, goiters.

KUDZU ROOT - Alcoholism, dysentery, headaches, induces sweating, diarrhea, lowers blood pressure and blood sugar, gargle for sore throat, acute intestinal obstructions.


LADY SLIPPER ROOT - Headaches, jangling nerves, sedative, promotes sleep, allay pain.

LARKSPUR FLOWER - Destroys human parasites such as head lice, mites (their eggs) and itch mites, insecticidal.

LEATHERWOOD BARK - Laxative, toothaches, facial neuralgia, paralysis of tongue.

LAVENDER HERB - Fragrance, sedative, intestinal gas, antispasmodics, repels moths.

LICORICE ROOT – Addison’s disease, age spots, coughs, drug withdrawal, emphysema, endurance, female complaints, hypoglycemia, vitality, sex stimulant, longevity, menopause, tonic, throat.

LILY OF VALLEY ROOT - Valvular heart disease, fevers, diurectic, heart tonic, sedative, external to prevent scar tissue, epilepsy.

LIVERWORT HERB - Dizziness, coughs, reduce fever, liver, hemorrhage of lungs.

LOBELIA HERB - Smoked for asthma, bronchitis, sore throats, coughs, sweating, sedative, asthma, whooping cough, fevers, helps appease physical need for nicotine, helps to quit smoking.


MA HUANG HERB - Weight loss (excellent), allergies, asthma, diseases, inflammation, energy.

MAIDENHAIR FERN HERB - Coughs, colds, hoarseness, excellent for bitters, stimulant, mucous in throat, 
loosen phlegm.

MALE FERN ROOT - Exceptional tapeworm medicine.

MALLOW ROOT - Digestive system stimulator, coughs, bronchitis, spleen, stomachaches, anti-inflammatory, diurectic.

MAPLE BARK - Colds, coughs, bronchitis, kidney infections, gonorrhea, blood cleanser, skin eruptions, spitting of blood.

MARIGOLD FLOWER - Nerves, brain, loss of memory, nervousness, mental fatigue, relieves inflammation, internal and external irritation, ulcers, stomach, cramps, colitis, diarrhea.

MARSHMALLOW ROOT - Mucous membranes, gargle for sore throat, excellent for skin erruptions, excellent skin soother.

MAYAPPLE ROOT - Regulator for bowels and liver, chronic liver disease, uterine diseases, laxatives, (fevers - jaundice, bilious, intermittent). Strongest herb laxative.

MILK THISTLE HERB - Allay indigestion, liver, cirrhosis, hepatitis, restores liver function, any kind of poisoning or chemicals.

MISSOURI SNAKE ROOT - Kidney, bladder, gonorrhea, stimulates immune system.

MISTLETOE HERB - Epilepsy, fits, headaches, hypertension, used to stop bleeding after childbirth, lung ailments, paralysis, oral contraceptive, Do not use berries.

MOONSEED ROOT - Diurectic, laxative, tonic.

MOTHERWORT HERB - Promote menstruation, aid in childbirth, regulate menses, asthma, heart palpitations, sedative, insomnia, sciatica, spasms, fevers, antispasmodic.

MUGWORT LEAF - Diurectic, induces sweating, fever, checks menstrual irregularity, tonic to nerves, bronchitis, colds, colic, epilepsy, kidneys, lowers blood sugar.

MULLEIN LEAF - Asthma, croup, bronchitis, bleeding of lungs, hay fever, difficult breathing, diarrhea, pain killer, calms nerves, colds.

MYRRH GUM Bark - Excellent for pyorrhea, bronchial and lung diseases, cures halitosis (bad breath), ulcers, piles, hemorrhoids, gangrene, cough, asthma, tuberculosis, ulcerated throat.


OAT STRAW HERB - Arthritis, bed wetting, bladder, gout, rheumatism, bursitis, kidneys, nerves, lungs, liver, gallbladder.

ORANGE PEEL - Headaches, vitamin C deficiency.

OREGON GRAPE ROOT - Blood cleanser, mouth sores, fever blisters, cold sores, stomach.


PAPAYA LEAF - Allergies, digestion, diverticulitis, gas, hemorrhage, paralysis, stomach, worms.

PARSLEY LEAF - Prostate, spleen, thyroid, liver, kidneys, gallbladder, asthma, gallstones, cancer, allergies, pituitary gland, water retention.

PARTRIDGE BERRY Herb (Squaw Vine) - Pain, rheumatism, dysentery, reduce swelling of tissues, relieves gas and colic.

PASSION FLOWER Herb - Alcoholism, fever, headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia, nerves.

PAU DÕARCO BARK - Immune system enhancer.

PAW PAW BARK - Cancer, diuretic, laxative.

PEACH TREE LEAVES - Bladder, laxative, insomnia, morning sickness, nerves, vomiting, water retention.

PENNYROYAL HERB - Burning fevers, promote perspiration, gout, cold, phlegm in chest and lungs, headache, ulcers, intestinal pains, colic, griping, nausea, nervousness, hysteria.

PEPPERMINT HERB - Fevers, chills, colic, nausea, vomiting, diuretic, influenza, la grippe, stimulant, cleans and strengthens entire body, headaches, nerves.

PERIWINKLE HERB - Hemostatic, reduces blood pressure.

PINK ROOT - Worms.

PIPSESSIPUA WINTERGREEN HERB - Kidney, infections and disease, stones in bladder, arthritis.

PLAINTAIN LEAF - Coughs, diarrhea, antimicrobial, stimulates healing process, bloody urine.

PLAINTAIN ROOT - Diarrhea, bleeding, hemorrhoids, hemorrhage, kidneys, leucorrhea, tumors, ulcers, vaginal trouble.

PLEURISY ROOT - Excellent for breaking up colds, pleurisy, asthma, bronchial and pulmonary complaints, typhus, burning fevers, acute dysentery, rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, measles.

POKE BERRIES - Rub on (skin eruptions & cancerous skin ulcers) and internal for cancer, arthritis.

POKE ROOT - Glands, especially thyroid gland, cancer, applied to skin will cure itching, scrofula, eczema, goiter.

PRICKLEY ASH BARK - Chronic rheumatism, kidneys, heart, lungs, nerves, stimulates pancreas and bile blow.

PSYLLIUM SEED - Colitis, colon, constipation, ulcers, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, lubricates and heals intestinal tract.

PUMPKIN SEED - Worms, kidneys, bowels.


QUASSIA CHIPS - Improve appetite, repellent of insects.

QUEEN ANNES LACE (Wild Carrot Root) - Expels intestinal gas, rich in vitamin A, night vision.

QUEEN OF MEADOW ROOT - Diabetes, kidneys, gravel, prostate, urination, water retention, uterus, vagina.


RATSBANE WlNTERGREEN HERB - Increase urine flow, arthritis, diarrhea, ulcers, skin eruption, nervous disorders, tonic.

RED CLOVER BLOSSOMS - Syphilis, blood purifier and cleanser, pellagra, leprosy, cancerous growths, cancer, stomach, various spasm, nerve soother, bronchial tubes.

RED OAK BARK - Chronic diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding, piles, prolapse, chronic mucous discharge, antiviral, antiseptic, anticancer. External for poison ivy and skin eruptions.

RED RASPBERRY LEAF - Morning sickness, childbirth, diabetes, diarrhea, mucous membranes, throat, bronchitis, coughs, dysentery, female organs.

RED ROOT - Diabetes, asthma, chronic bronchitis, sick headache, acute indigestion, nausea, piles, hemorrhoids, dysentery, whooping cough, tuberculosis, cancer.

ROSEMARY HERB - Calms nerves, insomnia, promotes restful sleep, sweetens disposition.

RUE HERB - Worms, nervous heart palpitations, gout, joints, nerves, menstruation, thrush, blood pressure, repels flies and insects.


SAGE HERB - Gargle for tonsillitis or ulcers in throat, quinsy stomach trouble, dyspepsia, gas in stomach/ bowels, expel worms, liver/kidney troubles, relieve headaches, hair tonic, fevers, dandruff, female trouble, lung problems.

SARSAPARILLA ROOT (Wild) - Rheumatism, gout, ringworm, scrofula, psoriasis, cold, fever, blood purifier, aphrodisiac, sex stimulant, female hormones, blood thinner.

SASSAFRAS TREE BARK - Blood purifier and cleanser, tonic for stomach and bones, relieves gas and colic, spasms (excellent).

SAW PALMETTO BERRIES - Asthma, throat trouble, colds, bronchitis, lagrippe, excessive mucous discharge of sinus/ nose, all diseases of reproductive organs, diabetes, excellent to regain strength, prostate gland (excellent).

SCOURING RUSH HERB - Bladder ailments, urinary incontinence, urethritis, cystitis.

SENECA SNAKE ROOT - Bring up phlegm in cases of asthma and bronchitis.

SENNA LEAF - Worms, laxative, scurvy, diuretic, appetite stimulant, fever, (Do not take if you have gout, rheumatism or kidney ailments, or cancer).

SHEEP SORREL HERB - Cancer, diarrhea, excessive menstrual bleeding, inflammations, fevers, diuretic, antiseptic, appetite stimulant. Its the best anticancer herb of them all.

SHEPHERDS PURSE HERB - Internal hemorrhage, bleeding from lungs, profuse menstruation, kidney complaints, bleeding piles, hemorrhoids, fevers, excellent for diarrhea, haemostatic.

SKUNK CABBAGE ROOT - Tuberculosis, chronic catarrh, bronchial tubes, lungs, hay fever, pleurisy, epilepsy, nervous trouble, spasm.

SLIPPERY ELM BARK - Laxative, fever, diarrhea, respiratory infections, excellent for stomach and bowels.

SMARTWEED HERB - Hemostatic (stops bleeding), lowers blood pressure, diarrhea.

SOLOMON SEAL ROOT - Cancer, rheumatism, all female troubles, poison ivy wash, allays pain, neuralgia, excellent poultice for piles.

SPEARMINT HERB - Carminatives to relieve gas, stomachic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, diarrhea, colds, cramps, headaches, cancer, fevers, nausea.

SPICE BUSH BARK - Colds, fevers, worms, colic, gas, thyroid fevers.

SPIGNET ROOT - Childbirth easier, shortness labor, blood purifier, skin disease, pimples, coughs, colds, chest infections, back pain.

SPIRULINA PLANT - Abundant in vitamin B-12, amino acids, beta carotene, minerals, longevity, brain, weight loss, balances blood sugar, increases energy, glands.

SOAPWORT HERB - Diuretic, laxative, expectorant, gall disease. You can make soap out of this.

STAR GRASS ROOT - Excellent female tonic, painful menstruation, digestive trouble, colic, gas.

STAR GRUB ROOT - Uterine disorders, pain inside loins, poor appetite, depression, colic, intestinal worms, remedy vitamin C deficiency, increase urine flow, vomiting, saliva flow, natural steroid.

STEVIA HERB - Best natural sweetener in herb kingdom.

STILLINGIA ROOT - Blood purifier, syphilis, laxative, brings up phlegm.

STINGING NETTLE HERB - Eczema, excellent kidney troubles, expel phlegm from lungs and stomach, clean out urinary passages, excellent hair tonic, dropsy, expel gravel from bladder, increase urine flow, neuralgia, scrofula, backache.

ST. JOHNSWORT HERB - Anemia, bed wetting, coughs, diarrhea, gout, jaundice, menstruation, nerves, urination, lungs, cancer, aids, excellent anti-depressant, depression.

STONE ROOT - Treat bodily water accumulation, headaches, cramps, indigestion, hemorrhoids, respiratory diseases.

SUMAC BERRIES - Sore throat, coughs, diabetes, fevers, cleanser of system, mouth sores, bowel complaints, mouth wash, gargle for sore throat.

SUMAC LEAVES - Asthma, diarrhea, dysentery.

SUMAC TREE BARK - Skin ulcers, gonorrhea, diarrhea, infections of lymph glands.

SWEET WOODRUFF HERB - Tonic for liver disorders, laxative, anti-arthritic.


TANSY HERB - Weak kidneys, worms, gargle for sore throat, suppressed menses, flatulence, jaundice, antispasmodic, antiseptic, leaves insecticidal.

THYME HERB - Fevers, headaches, asthma, whooping cough, diarrhea, nightmares (excellent).

TRUE BLUE SKULLCAP HERB - Excellent nerve tonic, neuralgia aches and pains, St. Vitus, shaking palsy, hydrophobia, epilepsy, splendid to suppress excessive sexual desire.

TURKEY RHUBARB ROOT - Contagious disease, colon, constipation, cystic, colitis, croup.

TWIN LEAF ROOT - Cramps, spasms, nervous excitability, diarrhea, diuretic for kidney stones, dropsy, urinary infections, gargle for sore throat.

TUMERIC SEED - Anti-oxidant, joint pain, arthritis, liver, stomach, gallbladder, asthma.


UVA URSI HERB - Diabetes, dysentery, female problems, kidneys, leucorrhea, liver, menstruation, obesity, pancreas, prostate, spleen, uterus, vagina, hemorrhoids.


VALERIAN ROOT - Migraine headaches, nerves, pain, insomnia, heartburn, gas, hangovers, spasms, menstruation, paralysis, stomach, ulcers, parasites, smoking, contagious diseases, convulsions.

VIRGINIA SNAKE ROOT - Promotes sweating, fevers, stomach aches, indigestion, gargle for sore throat, laxative.


WAHOO BARK - Fevers, upset stomach, dropsy, lung ailments, constipation, liver congestion, heart, contains digitalis like compounds.

WATERCRESS HERB - Vitamins A and C, kidneys, heart, colds, asthma, tuberculosis, constipation, aphrodisiac.

WHEAT GRASS HERB - Antioxidant.

WHITE ASH BARK - Increase urine flow, increase perspiration, flu, colds.

WHITE OAK BARK - Hemorrhoids, hemorrhage, goiter, gallbladder, leucorrhea, jaundice, parasites, bladder, ulcers, urination, uterus, vagina, varicose veins.

WHITE PINE TREE BARK - Pine tar poulticed to draw out boils and abscesses, rheumatism, broken bones, kidneys, lungs, emetic, colds, coughs, sore throats.

WHITE WILLOW BARK - Headaches, pain, fever, diarrhea, menstrual irregularity, natures aspirin.

WILD AMERICAN GINSENG Root - Sex stimulant, aphrodisiac, energy builder, longevity, male hormones, aging, endurance. Does more for system than any other herb.

WILD CHERRY BARK - Coughs, colds, measles, muscular soreness, fever, intestinal worms, indigestion, tuberculosis.

WILD GINGER ROOT - Colds, motion sickness, morning sickness, bronchitis, digestion, stomach and bowel gas, nausea, sinus.

WILD INDIGO ROOT - Cold tea to stop vomiting, laxative, gargle for sore throat, stimulate bile secretion, stimulates immune system.

WILD LETTUCE HERB - Nerve tonic, migraine headaches, pain, toothaches, sedative, increase urine flow, opium substitute.

WILD STRAWBERRY HERB - Stimulates appetite, stimulates blood cell formation, increases hemoglobin in blood, indigestion.

WILD YAM ROOT - Gas pains, ulcers, stomach, nausea, menstruation, morning sickness, pain, natural steroid, female hormones.

WITCH HAZEL BARK - Stops internal or external bleeding, piles, stops excessive menstruation, hemorrhages of lungs, stomach, uterus and bowels, diarrhea, circulation, gargle for throat problems, douche for leucorrhea whites.

WOOD BETONY HERB - Headaches, urinary bladder, pain, kidneys, heartburn, dizziness, gout, asthma, bronchitis, menstruation, varicose veins, parasites, tonsillitis, scabies (head lice).

WORMSEED HERB - Round worms, hook worms, dwarf tapeworms, intestinal amoeba, reduce gas.

WORMWOOD HERB - Parasites, gallbladder, gas, stomach, indigestion, heartburn, circulation, boils, bursitis, arthritis, diarrhea, fever, liver.


YARROW HERB - Flu, fever, pleurisy, lungs, ear infection, diabetes, congestion, contagious disease.

YELLOW DOCK ROOT - Blood purifier, anemia, acne, boils, ear infection, liver, poison ivy and oak, tumors, psoriasis. Excellent for iron deficiency.

YERBA MATE HERB - Bronchitis, colds, coughs, fever, headaches, asthma, laryngitis, rheumatism, tuberculosis, blood purifier.

YOHIMBE BARK - Aphrodisiac, sex stimulant.

YUCCA ROOT - Natural steroid, antitumor, arthritis, hair wash for baldness and dandruff.

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