Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Pineapple: Speeds post-surgery, Promotes joint health, Reduces asthma inflammation. >Blueberries: Restore antioxidant levels, Reverse age-related brain decline, Prevent urinary tract infection. >Spinach: Helps maintain mental sharpness, Reduces the risk of cancers of the liver, ovaries, colon and prostate, Top nutrient density.

Red Bell Pepper: Reduces risk of lung, prostate, ovarian and cervical cancer, Protects against sunburn, Promotes heart health.

Broccoli: Reduces diabetic damage, Lowers risk of prostate, bladder, colon, pancreatic, gastric and breast cancer, Protects the brain in event of injury.

Tomato: Reduces inflammation, Lowers risk of developing esophageal, stomach, colorectal lung and pancreatic cancer, Reduces cardiovascular disease risk.

Apple: Supports immunity, Fights lung and prostate cancer, Lowers Alzheimer’s risk.

Artichoke: Helps blood clotting, Antioxidant Superfood, Lowers “bad” cholesterol.

Arugula: Lowers birth defect risk, Reduces fracture risk, Protects eye health.

Asparagus: Nourishes good gut bacteria, Protects against birth defects, Promotes heart health.

Avocado: Limits liver damage, Reduces oral cancer risk, Lowers cholesterol levels.

Blackberries: Build bone density Suppress appetite, Enhance fat burning.

Butternut Squash: Supports night vision, Combats wrinkles, Promotes heart health.

Cantaloupe: Bolsters immunity, Protects skin against sunburn, Reduces inflammation.

Carrot: Antioxidants defend DNA, Fights cataracts, Protects against some cancers.

Cauliflower: Stimulates detoxification, Suppresses breast cancer cell growth, Defends against prostate cancer.

Cherries: Alleviate arthritic pain and gout, Lower “bad” cholesterol, Reduce inflammation.

Cranberries: Alleviate prostate pain. Fight lung, colon and leukemia cancer cells. Prevent urinary tract infection.

Green Cabbage: Promotes healthy blood clotting, Reduces risk of prostate, colon, breast and ovarian cancers, Activates the body’s natural detoxification systems.

Kale: Counters harmful estrogens that can feed cancer, Protects eyes against sun damage and cataracts, Increases bone density.

Kiwi: Combats wrinkles, Lowers blood clot risk and reduces blood lipids, Counters constipation. >Mango: Supports, immunity, Lowers “bad” cholesterol, Regulates homocysteine to protect arteries.

Mushrooms: Promote natural detoxification, Reduce the risk of colon and prostate cancer, Lower blood pressure.

Orange: Reduces levels of “bad” cholesterol, Lowers risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, breast and stomach, and childhood leukemia, Pectin suppresses appetite.

Papaya: Enzymes aid digestion, Reduces risk of lung cancer, Enhances fat burning.

Plums & Prunes : Counter constipation, Antioxidants defend against DNA damage, Protects against post-menopausal bone loss.

Pomegranate: Enhances sunscreen protection, Lowers “bad” cholesterol, Fights prostate cancer.

Pumpkin: Protects joints against polyarthritis, Lowers lung and prostate cancer risk, Reduces inflammation.

Raspberries: Inhibit growth of oral, breast, colon and prostate cancers, Antioxidant DNA defense, Lower “bad” cholesterol levels.

Strawberries: Protect against Alzheimer’s, Reduce “bad” cholesterol, Suppress growth of colon, prostate and oral cancer.

Sweet Potato: Reduces stroke risk, Lowers cancer risk, Protect against blindness.

Watermelon: Supports male fertility, Reduces risk of several cancers: prostate, ovarian, cervical, oral and pharyngeal, Protects skin against sunburn

Banana: Increases Fat Burning, Lowers risk of colorectal and kidney.

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